Chapter 56

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Chapter 56

~Lily's POV~

*Two weeks later*

Any day now he will wake up and everything will be has to be okay...shit was hitting the fan and it was happening quickly. Zayn got word that Max was still not found and that there were other members who seemed to just pop up on the mainland. At any point they could make their way here and we would be screwed. I don't know what they were waiting for and a part of me didn't mind the fact that they hadn't moved in yet, but another part of me was feeling anxious. Not knowing what they were planning was causing more anxiety and stress. They are so close yet they haven't made a move to attack, this is definitely bad.

I walked around the makeshift room in which Harry laid gathering up everything I would need to give him his bath. I needed a distraction from the stress of the news and the sadness I felt now that Jawad was gone. I love you mom...his words soon could be heard and I let out a shaky breath. It was definitely hard to let him board that plane but I knew it was for the best. I had to stay here because it was pointless for me to go too. Max would come after me, he would follow me there, and they would be in danger. I refused to be the reason they get hurt when Max comes there for me and doesn't spare anyone who gets in his way.

I shook my head and sighed, I needed to focus on cleaning Harry off. Lou had stopped by this morning and said he was really looking better, about two days ago she mentioned that any day now he could wake up and I was clinging on to that piece of information so when she came by today saying he was healing up just fine I was praying that tomorrow if not today he would wake up. I began my task of cleaning him off and like Zayn, Harry was very heavy for someone who was so...small. I mean Harry had muscles and was definitely fit but you wouldn't see it right away because he wasn't all buff and stocky...he was lean and compact.

"Maybe it's all the food I feed you but you sir are heavy as shit," I huffed as I sat him up so I could pull off his shirt.

After struggling for a good seven-ish minutes I managed to pull it off and laid him back down with a heavy sigh. I then moved to finish getting him undressed, taking off his pants and boxers was the easy part compared to the shirt...although I wish he would just wake up and bath himself.

"I should definitely get paid for and Zayn should definitely pay me for all the shit I had to do for you...I am not a nurse nor am I a body builder!" I said pointing at Harry who laid there with a peaceful look on his face.

I sighed and shook my head, I knew he wouldn't respond but I guess a part of me wished he would have. I began to clean him off, humming to myself. The room was quiet so I felt like I needed to do something to liven it up. I turned back to the bowl full of water to re-soak the rag and stopped my actions when I thought I heard a gasp. I furrowed my brows and shook my head, I know that I hoped he would wake up but I also knew logically that it was just my mind playing tricks on me. It had to be because it seemed to soon, despite what Lou said it was too soon...

I threw my head back and let out a frustrated sigh, I closed my eyes and tried to calm down but I wouldn't be stress free until he woke up. I sighed and turned around so I could finish with my task, I let out a gasp at the sight of Harry laying there looking up at the ceiling, his eyes were dilated and he was gripping his chest. I stepped forward and he shifted his gaze to me when he heard my movement, I stepped back.

"Harry?" I whispered and he moved to sit up.

I rushed to his side to get him to lay back down but instead he continued to get up and then pulled me to him. He hugged me tightly and I felt his body tremble, I held on to him.

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