Part 26

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Trigger warning

Patton's POV:

I woke up and looked out a window.. What time was it? It was pretty dark out. Maybe 10ish?

I sighed shakily, how long was I going to have to go through this? My energy was back, nothing too much, but enough.

I had to get out of this handcuff. Come on, Patton, think!! Gosh, why couldn't this be a movie? There would always be some way to get out, to escape.

As much as I hate admitting this, Remus is smart and apparently so is his friend.

I sat there, mind racing on what they would do to me.. They said things when I was 'asleep' and im scared.

It's going to happen again, im going to be hurt all over again.

What if.. What if something were to happen and I won't ever be scared again?

I looked around more, that's when I saw it. There was a phone.. On the other side of the room.

I took a deep breath. Okay, okay, I can do this.

I got off the bed and stood my, my hand still cuffed to the bed.

I stood there for a minute, my legs shakey. I was scared, what if I got caught? No. No, everything is okay.

I slowly walked to the other side, dragging the bed along with me. This was so difficult, especially since I just want to breakdown and sob.

I don't know what I did to deserve this. I always tried doing the right thing. I never wanted to do anything that could affect anybody.

I sighed quietly, it took what felt like forever to get by the phone. I had to sit on the bed for a while.

Even if I do get out of here, im never going to be me. I don't want to go to therapy and all of that again.

I don't want to hurt my friends or anything like that again. I had to be selfish for once. I needed to do this for me.

I'm sorry, Logie. I'm sorry to all my friends, family, and you. I wish this was all different. We could have had our happily ever after.

By now, im trembling, my lip is quivering as well. I grabbed the phone and went to contacts.

I put Logan's number in. I had to text him at least, he deserved that.

'Hey, Logie. I know this is a random number, I found this phone, but it's your boyfriend.. I just wanted to ask for you to stop looking for me. This is my goodbye to you. I love you so so much and I need to let you know this. But I want you to find somebody else. Find somebody that you love. Have a family with them and keep them safe. Right now, I have no idea where I am and im scared. Even if I do get out of here, im not going to be me and I don't want any of you guys to see that. This is my choice.. I know it's selfish and im sorry, I just can't stand to deal with this and I don't think therapists or meds can help me. Im a lost cause now. Im glad I had you though. I will never regret what we had, it's done though. I love you so much, never forget that. ❤❤'

I put the phone down, my whole body shaking, tears falling down my face. I hope you're happy now, Remus. You won.

I knew that they were going to hurt me. That text could be tracked now.. It doesn't matter though. You know why? Over my crying, I heard the door open.

Steps getting closer and louder as they got to my room. The door opened and I refused to look up. Im a mess.

I was ready for my punishment. I was ready to be hurt again. But.. No?

"Hey, it's okay" I heard Kevin say in a soft and reassuring tone. No. I can't fall for it again. Not everybody is nice in this world Patton, at least I know this now.

"Take some deep breathes, you're going home now. Remus can't hurt you. It's a long story, but you're safe now. "

The phone buzzed, I couldn't look at it. I'm too weak.

"N- n- no.. I can't d- deal with this again." I whimpered quietly.

"Listen, im on your side here. Remus will never get to you again, I promise. " how would he know?!

"I don't.. I don't c- care! I can't deal with all of th- this. The trauma. I just want you t- to do one thing.." I was terrified but I can't live my life like this anymore.

"Uhm.. What is that?" Kevin sounded hesitant. Funny since he was laughing about hurting me earlier.

I looked him dead in the eye, the hurt and scared look on my face was clear. He looked worried.

"I want...-" 

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