Part 5

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Pattons POV

Time froze. My chest rose up and down very quickly as the memories kept going. Remus was taking me to our room again

"NO PLEASE! PLEASE STOP REMUS" I cried out, shaking horribly. I fell to the ground when remu- I heard someone speak. This wasn't Remus' voice.. It was.. Oh thank goodness.

I hugged Janus tightly since he kneeled down to me. I felt like I was falling, I couldn't breathe and everything was coming at me.

I couldn't bare it, I shut my eyes closed tightly as tears fell down my cheeks and onto the ground.

Janus kept apologizing, he spoke in a soft tone that I've never heard him speak before. "Patton, listen to me closely. Just nod or shake your head to my questions. Can you do that?" I give a small nod

"God job, im proud of you. Now, are you having an anxiety attack" I nodded "okay, everything is okay. You're here with me, you're safe and nobody is going to hurt you. Do you remember the breathing exercise that emile showed you?"

I couldn't think of it, my mind was going a million miles an hour. I shook my head. He started showing me it, talking me through it while following along with it. He was being so patient for me.

I followed along, messing up sometimes but he reassured that everything was okay and I believed him. It took for what seemed to be forever (20 minutes) until I was calm enough to talk with a stutter and somewhat walk.

"Do you want me to carry you or are you okay?" Janus asked sweetly, giving a small but concerned smile. "C- could you c- c- carry m- me please?" I asked quietly

He nodded and picked me up, I clung onto him with all my strength. He took me to my apartment and unlocked it, all my friends had a key to get in. He brought me to the couch and laid me down.

I begged him not to being me to my room, I wasn't ready for it yet and I was scared.

I curled up as he texted the group chat something, I didn't check my phone. He put a blanket on me and kissed my forehead "im so sorry Pat, I shouldn't have just touched you without asking or saying I was there. It won't happen again and I'll make sure to tell everyone that. "

I gave a weak smile, I wasn't used to those meltdowns. I don't even know what came over me when it happen. What I do know, the panic attack drained so much out of me.

Around half an hour later, my friends had arrived at my apartment. I was half asleep at this point and I looked at the closest friend, Remy, and held my hands out. "C- cuddles" I whined quietly

He nodded with a small smile "okay Patty, everyone else is just cleaning up and making food and stuff. Just close your eyes and get some rest. " he said as he laid down and held me in his arms.

I wrapped the blanket around both of us and nuzzled my face in his chest. None of this was romantic, they all cuddled me.. Especially now. Every one was so concerned for me and it helped me realize that not everybody is like Remus. They don't just want sex, they love me.

I heard some noise in the background, but it was blocked out by soft music Remy put on to help me relax. I soon fell asleep and didn't wake up until 4 hours later and 6 pm.

Remy was passed out, still holding me in a protective way, and I heard the others watching. Tangled? I also smell poot amazing things like I think soup, I think cookies, and some other things. Gosh, my friends are just the best.

I let out a quiet yawn and sat up to see roman having Virgil on his lap, having his head on Janus' shoulder, Janus' arm wrapped around Romans and Emile's waist. I felt bad since Emile couldn't cuddle Remy because of me though, he didn't seem to mind at all but I still felt bad.

I guess they heard me and Emile quickly got up and went by me "hey Pat, how are you feeling" I mumbled out a quiet "fine.."

Emile nodded and went to the table by the couch and grabbed my glasses, that's why everything was blurry to me. I took them and forced a small smile "thanks.." I put them and stood up.

"We made you some food" Roman spoke up before Virgil added "we wanted to make things that you love. There are chocolate chip cookies, fruit salad, some different kinds of juices because Jan wanted to buy you some, some of that chicken soup you like, and we got you some things so you can make smoothies which you love. "

I smiled at my friends, Remus would never do this for me. He used to ignore me if I didn't cook what he wanted and when he wanted it. I could be horribly sick and he would ignore me and never help.. But that's normal, right? He always said it was.

I teared up and hugged Emile "thank you.. Thank you so so much. I lo.. " I couldn't say it, I don't know why. I've always said it, even to people I didn't know too well. "You guys are amazing" I got some confused looks from the others, not from Emile though. He had a more sympathetic and understanding look.

"Let's get something to eat Pat" Janus said and got up. He went into the kitchen and grabbed five plates and cups. He handed one to everyone, me getting them first.

I grabbed some of the fruit salad the had strawberries, watermelon, raspberries, blueberries, and some other fruits I love. I also got a small bowl from my cabinet and got some soup, it was small enough to fit on my plate. Then I obviously got two cookies and some orange juice.

I sat on the couch as we all decided to watch Aladin. It was still weird and I hated being here now. I don't feel comfortable being here.

After about 45 minutes, we all finished our food and Emile got my attention by whispering "patty"

I looked over at him and he basically asked to go talk in the bathroom, he first said the bedroom but I refused. I signed quietly and we walked into the bathroom. What was he going to tell me? I'm so nervous..

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