Part 28

656 22 11

Trigger warning

The comments on the last update made me laugh. No need for a cliffhanger lol

Kevin's POV:

"What?! No, im not doing that. There is no reason, your excuse is bullshit!"

Why am I being so defensive? It's not like I care.

"We've done nothing to you! "

He looked at me with a look I've never seen from him, it's only been fear, but now it's anger.

Tears running down his red face. And he spoke up..

"Nothing?! You've k- kidnapped me from my life! I- I was getting better.. We had plans of.. Of having a real family. We wanted kids!"

He was speaking from his heart now. His voice was breaking, shaking, you could hear the hurt and pain.

"Tied me up, called m- me names, almost making me g- give you sickos a lap d- dance.. Do you n- not think kidnapping is traumatizing by itself?! There is one w- way to make me relax and b- be free. I'm begging you. I can't stand being like th- this. "

What was I supposed to do? I felt horrible. How could I help Remus break an innocent persons life? I looked down in shame.

"No!" He screamed "No!! You do NOT get to f- feel bad! You did th- this. You let him do this. "

He was asking one thing..

"But what about your boyfriend and friends?! "

He gave a sad, forced laugh and shook his head. "What ab- about them? They'll get over it. I'm n- not recovering from this. Being r- raped.. It's already h- hard. Nine months.. I st- still wasn't fully me.. Now this? "

I was at a loss for words. He was begging..

Begging for death.

I couldn't do it, he's innocent! He didn't deserve this. But that also makes me an asshole.

I helped put him in this situation. I didn't mean those words I said, it was apart of the whole tricking Remus thing.

But I can't explain that, it won't help him. He still went through all of that trauma. For god's sake, he was still handcuffed to a bed!

I went near him and his chest was going up and down quickly as he hyperventilated.

"I'm not going to hurt you. Remus can't either, you won't ever see him again. Just.. Just let me help you, okay?"

He stared at me in fear before hesitantly nodding.

I slowly went by him and took the handcuffs off. I gave a small smile, not that it would help.

"There. Is your wrist okay? Do you want ice or something" he said nothing, standing there silently.

It's like he was planning something, but I don't know what. I could never imagine what he's going through and what's happening in his head. It's scary and sad.

I moved away from Patton, giving him some space. "If you're hungry, I can make you some-"

He bolted out of the room, tripping over his legs as he did so. He was shaking so much that I was surprised he was running.

I quickly ran after him, I had to make sure he didn't get to the gun.

I grabbed him and held him in a tight grip, but I made sure that he wasn't hurt. 

"Let me go, please!! Please don't h- hurt me!" He sobbed, making me feel horrible. I just couldn't let anything bad happen to him.

I carried him back to his room and put the handcuffs on him again. It was for his safety this time.

After an hour, he was back on the couch, laying down. He gave up completely now.

I wanted to be mad because he was giving up, but with everything he's been through.. I can't blame him.

He was quietly crying, unable to control himself. It wasn't until two more hours when the door crashed open.

Patton whimpered and curled up more, his eyes shut tight.. I was so fucked now.

One of the many police officers screamed to put my hands up, I obliged. 

How did they find me? This wasn't supposed to happen.. Oh my god. The fucking text Patton sent to his damned boyfriend.

He was gone, the police must have taken Patton out of the situation. He was safe at least.

I realized something though.. I couldn't go to prison. They know that I know people. Bad people.

They would totally have me confess shit.

That meant that I would have to rat my friends out. Steph.. You're going to hate me.

I'm doing this to keep you safe. I love you so much and I always will..

I quickly moved, grabbing the gun that I had and aimed it at an officer.

I've killed other people than Remus, this should be nothing. I shot one of them in the head.. Before I knew it, I was on the ground and everything went black.

Patton.. Please, please don't hurt yourself. I'm sorry I dragged you into this. It was for my selfish needs. But Remus can't get to you anymore, I promise.

He Was There (A Logicality Story) *completed*Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat