Part 15

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Logan's POV:

My alarm went off at 5:30 AM like it always did on days I had work. The thing is, Patton wasn't in my arms.

I sighed, assuming he's taking a shower or something. I just put on my normal and semi-formal clothes that I always wear to my job.

Black skinny jeans, blueish black shirt with a tie. For some reason, my tie decided to be shit today.

I groaned in frustration until patton came in, his smile alone made my annoyance go away.

"Good morning Lo!" He said cheerfully, it appalled me of how cheerful he is all the time, he doesn't even drink coffee in the morning!

Im not a grouch when I wake up, but im not an angel like Patton either. "Morning, my love. Why are you up so early?"

He must have noticed my tie and he went over by me, fixing it with ease. "Oh, thank you my little butterfly. "

He nodded and smiled, taking my hand and bringing me to the kitchen. There was a plate with two pieces of toast, some scrambled eggs, three pieces of bacon, and a chocolate chipped pancake. Oh! And a cup of black coffee. This man knows me too well.

"Pat, you didn't have to make me breakfast. " I hugged him and he hugged back tighter. "Of course I did! You have work and breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I also packed your lunch, don't look in it yet until you eat next time. And everything you need, your toothbrush, axe, deodorant, all of that is in the bathroom in one place because I decided to get it all out for you!"

He was way too perfect for me. "I love you so much, thank you darling. Did you make yourself some food as well?"

He nodded, thank god, but I felt bad with what he ate. "Yeah, I just had some fruit and peppermint tea! " he said it with the biggest smile too.

I moved a seat so it was next to mine and motioned him to sit down, which he did.

"You should try some of the amazing food you made me, it's only fair anyways. " before he could decline, I grabbed a small portion of the pancake with the fork Patton gave me and put it by his mouth.

He laughed softly and opened his mouth, eating the pancake I gave him. "Isn't it amazing? You're such a great cook "

I continued eating as he nodded "yeah, my cooking is good. But I make it with love for you, that's why you think it's so amazing"

We kept talking for about thirty minutes.  We had finished the food and I had ten minutes until I had to leave for work.

I sighed and went to the bathroom, washing my face, brushing my teeth, using mouthwash, putting on deodorant and axe, and then leaving the bathroom.

I grabbed what I needed before going by the door "wait!!" Patton raced towards me.

"Yes, my love?" He got on his tippy toes and softly kissed me, his arms loosely wrapped around my neck. I happily kissed back, I could tell he was trying to linger the kiss so I stayed longer but I had to pull away, hearing a small whine from Patton.

I hugged and kissed his cheek "I love you and I'll see you after work, I promise. " he nodded and I left, already missing the love of my life.

Patton's POV:

Well, im alone again. All my friends were busy so I had nobody to be with all day.

I knew that it would eventually happen and my abandonment issues and all of that would kick in.

Right now? I had to distract myself and quickly. I washed and dried the dishes, cleaned the counter, made the bed and picked up anything off the ground, I vacuumed the whole apartment that had carpet flooring, I did everything.

It didn't even take that long since the apartment is always clean anyways. It was only two hours later and I still had nobody to hang out with.

We were saving up money since we have been talking about getting a house and all that, this meant I could go and buy some stuff at the store. Also because we went to the mall and got things there.

I would read the books, but I always do that with Logie! I could mediate in the apartment because I really don't wanna leave anyways.

I did that for around an hour until my thoughts were getting the best of me. I couldn't take it, I sat on the couch and panicked. It's was only 9:48 AM and these thoughts had consumed me.

I wanted to text Logan, to make sure he doesn't hate me. Sure, we've had conversations that if anything were to happen between us, we would talk about it.

I just don't know what to do. Emile was at work with other patients.

I paced around the apartment before sighing, I had nothing to do and even though I didn't want to leave, I got ready and left.

I had on one of Logan's sweatshirts which was big on me but it had his smell on it and it comforted me. I also had black skinny jeans on.

I locked the door before walking out of the building and into the complex.

Authors Note

Happy Halloween y'all. As a treat, I'll post two chapters today. 👻

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