Part 6

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Patton's POV:

Emile closed the door behind us and talked in a quiet tone so nobody could hear us. "Patton, I love you so much and I want you to be safe and try to recover from what happened."

I nodded, still really confused "that's why im gonna come over every day whenever I can to give you therapy. I know you might not like this idea, I completely understand, but it'll be good for you. Do you trust me? It's okay if you say no, you don't have to be scared because I won't be upset"

I loved how reassuring Emile was, even if I didn't like the idea of having therapy. Remus would never do anything like this. I nod "I.. I trust you. I really don't want to do this though.."

"I know Pat, but just think of it like this, im just a friends who wants to talk to you and help. I just have the degree that says I legally can. " he smiled

This made it seem nicer and easier to do so I nodded. "Okay.. I'll uhm.. Okay" I could tell this made him happy and it made me happy to see that.

"Is it okay if I give you a hug?" I awkwardly stand there for a moment before nodding. We hugged for a few minutes, I felt relaxed and it was amazing.

We finally left the bathroom and nobody said anything. The just smiled as we walked by them, did they know Emile was gonna do this?

I shrugged it off and sat down, my bottom still hurting since it has been just one day since the incident..

The good news, we watched Disney movies all night, we cuddled, ate more of the food, and just had a good time for the rest of the night.

Timeskip to 12 PM

I woke up and looked around. I was laying of the couch, a pillow below my head and my favorite blanket on me. My friends were gone, probably at work or something. Wait.. Work! Oh gosh, how could I forget?! I panicked and got up, grabbing what I needed before looking at a paper on the kitchen counter. 'Hey Patty, don't worry about work. They said that you can have as long as you need off, just keep in touch with them' I sighed quietly, this was such a relief. I sat back down and looked at my phone. Logan texted me around 5 AM. it was a bit early, it kind of confused me but it's probably just his job. I wonder where he even works.

Logan Berry
Hey Patton! I just wanted to check up on you and see how everything is going. I just wanna make sure you're okay.

I automatically wondered what nickname I should change his name into..

Patton Sanders
Hey! Sorry I didn't text you earlier, my friends we're over last night and we stayed up pretty late. I just work up haha. But im doing a little better, thanks for helping me once again.

I've waited for what seemed like forever! He didn't text me back until 4 PM. Now I was really curious about where he worked.

Logan Berry
Well, im glad you're doing better! I'm also glad that you have such good friends. But I was wondering if you wanted to come over again? You don't have to of course. I'm just off of work and would like some company.

Patton Sanders
Sure!! I'll be there in a couple of minutes, see you in a jiffy!

I smiled as I quickly went into my room, grabbed some blue hoodie and pants, and changed in the bathroom.

I grabbed my keys, phone, and mace just in case. You never know who's out to hurt you anymore..

I walked over to Logan's and soon enough I got there and knocked on his door.

He answered with this kind smile and really cute outfit. He had a tie, some white shirt, black jacket, and some grayish black skinny jeans. And the way his slick midnight black hair sat, the outfit was perfect. Gosh, im starting to sound like Roman now.

"Hey Patton" he said in a soft tone, probably so I don't get nervous. "Hey Logan, how are you?" I asked as he let me inside.

"I'm fine, kind of tired from the kids" he stated with a shrug. "Kids?" I asked, looking up at him once he shut the door and we were in the front room. 

"Oh right! Sorry, I work as math teacher, that probably was a bit confusing for you" he chuckled

"Oh wow, that's cool, I can see it though. You being a teacher fits you" he grinned and raised an eyebrow "what do you mean by that?" I thought for a second

"It just matches your personality. You seem really smart and you look like a teacher" I let out a very quiet giggle. He nodded "hm.. Never heard someone say that to me. Where do you work?"

"I work at a pet store! I'm just taking a couple of days off right now though.." I guess I sounded a bit upset because he replied with something that surprised me.

"I don't blame you. You must be going through such a difficult thing right now, I can't imagine such pain. You should take as long as you need because recovering isn't just physical pain. If you ever wanna talk about it, im here for you"

He sounded like Emile, I couldn't help but to tear up and he looked like he regretted what he said "I didn't mean to make you up-" I shook my head and hugged him. "Remus.. H- he never cared about how I felt or anything. I thought I was happy with him.. But you barely know me and y- you've treated me better than he ever has" my voice was very shakey, I don't even know why I was telling him this.

Logan had hugged back in the most loving and protective way. I felt so safe in his hands as he just let me cry, my tears drenching his shirt. He didn't care though, he was so patient, he was saying supportive things and praising me for talking about something so difficult.

After a few minutes, I calmed down. "Do you wanna talk about anything else? " I looked up at him, was he serious? Did he really care? "I really don't mind, im happy to listen" it's like he read my mind

"I uhm.. Is i- it really okay with you?" I hesitantly asked. He nodded and smiled "let me just make some coffee, would you like some?" I shook my head "I don't drink caffeinated things, thanks though"

"How about water? I also have some chai tea, wine, I think apple juice?" I smiled softly at his generosity "uhm.. Water is okay"

When he got me a glass of water and he go his black coffee, he sat down on his couch. "So, what would you like to talk about?"

He Was There (A Logicality Story) *completed*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang