Part 22

675 22 13

Logan's POV:


Oh my god. I should have seen this coming, I shouldn't have let Patton be alone.

I had to leave work, not going to any games or grading papers. Patton was and always be more important to me.

Me, Remy, and Emile were in my apartment. I have never cried so much. My Patton is god knows where..

Remy had to call the police while Emile was calming me down.

"The police are on their way, Remy is calling them. Patton is going to be alright, he's a fighter, you know that out of anybody. "

I hated being so emotional, it wasn't me having a burst of emotion. I was a mess, I should've taken the day off of work.

Soon after, the police came walking in. They were asking Remy and Emile basic questions. Who was the kidnapper, if you know? Backstory, where they might have gone, blah blah blah.

They came to me after. A female cop looking down at me, I was sitting down. My leg was bouncing up and down. I told them everything I knew that could help.

"His.. His ex-boyfriend, you probably have papers about him because he raped Patton a year ago.. It's been a few days past from that day. That's why he's out of jail I guess... But he knocked on my door, scaring Patton. He said how Patton was his, like he owned Patton! His name is Remus.. Uhm"

"Remus Creative. Roman Creative is his brother. I doubt he knows anything though. " Remy chimed in.

"Yeah.. We all cut contact with him.. Well, not me because I've never met him before yesterday. But he stayed home from work because he uhm.. God.. Let's just say he was sore from the night before.." I cringed bringing it up. Nobody should know this.. But everything has to be said.

"And then I left for work, saying how Remy and Emile will come over around 4ish.. Then I got a call at work from the two, saying he isn't there. His phone is here and it's been hours. He would have told somebody he was leaving.. Something!! His phone is still here though. "

That's it. That's all I knew. I couldn't save my Patton.. He's gone and who knows what's happening to him.

The police told us that they would start a search party for Patton tonight. Everybody who knew Remus would be questioned. But they wanted us to stay here or at their place.

Let's just say that I had no sleep. How could I?! I was sleeping in the bed with nobody in my arms. To kiss on the neck and say how much I love them. I failed Patton..

The Next Day

I took the day off of work, my boss was so understanding. Said I could take however long I needed, just to say a day  ahead of when im coming back.

I didn't do anything, just laid there. By now, I would have a kiss on the cheek, my coffee in hand, everything ready for me.

The love of my life.. He's probably so scared right now and I can't protect him.

What did he do!?!? He's the sweetest person to ever fucking exist! He's done nothing for this to happen!

He only sees the best of people, helps people, helps animals, does anything for good.

I felt so empty.. But also angry and sad.. I'm so confused and conflicted. I needed to find my little prince..

I couldn't do anything besides wait. For a lead, a call, anything!

At 7:57 AM, I heard a knock on my door. I sighed and sat up, putting my glasses on, and went over by the door.

I opened it only to be greeted by the group.

"Hey, we thought you would want some company.. We all do. " Emile sighed and leaned on Remy.

It was clear we all got no sleep and some of us (me, Emile, Virgil) cried too.

We just spent the day searching and talking about places Remus would go with Patton.

Could he have had help with this?? It was a large possibility. Wait..

"Aren't there camera's in the parking lot? That way we could find who got Patton. "

Janus shook his head "Nope. They're gone, someone took them. " he said this so fucking calmly, it pissed me off.

"why are you so calm about this?! Are you happy that he's gone?!" I yelled angrily, tears falling down my face again.

Janus growled and yelled back. "Yes, because im so happy that my friend, that I've known longer than you, is gone because some psychopath!!"

"Please.. Calm down you two. We're all upset about this.. Yelling isn't going to help" Virgil said quietly, being comforted by a sad Roman.

"Yeah, Patton is going to be okay.. We know that he is gonna be okay.." Roman said, close to tears and his voice was shakey.

"He's your brother, isn't he?! Your fucking twin! You should know at least a few places he would go!"

"I would have told the police that if I knew! I told them every place that we've gone and all that so we'll find out. You need to stop and just.. Just take a breather. "

How?! How was I supposed to do that? I wanted to protect Patton and now I couldn't. I was so angry and everyone and myself.

Remy just made some coffee, Virgil and me got some clothes for me to change into, and after all of that, we sat and watched some movies.

We, of course, checked our phones all the time, contacted police, did everything we could.. But nothing.

I hated this. I hated it so much. Waiting, waiting, waiting!! I wanted to go look for my baby..

Author's Note

Fuck posting on schedules lol

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