Part 23

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Patton's POV:

After I drank that water, I felt loopy and tired. It was probably because of the lack of sleep and my body just being dead..

All I knew was I had to get to the top of the cabinet.. It was silly of Remus to actually think I was asleep.

"Stay here, kitten. " I cringed at the nickname. "Me and Kev have to do something really fast"

I nod, this was my chance! I could get the key for the car and go to the public, reporting Remus and Kevin!

Once they left, I kept telling myself to get up.. But my body wouldn't let me. It felt as if the energy was drained from me.. But I couldn't sleep, I wasn't that tired.

They were gone for a while.. What were they planning? They went in, I think, Kevin's room.

After five minutes, I stood up finally. I just wanted to lay down though. Lay down and sleep..

They left the room when I was standing up. Remus chuckled and shook his head. He did something to me.. I could just tell.

My brain was too mushy to tell though. When he got close to me, I leaned on him with my head on his chest.

I saw Kevin roll his eyes and remus picked me up and held me by my bottom. It didn't hurt that much anymore.. So that's a plus?

He took me to the room im sleeping in and laid me on the bed. I was a bit confused by this.

Kevin was by the door, watching what was happening.

Remus just tucked me in, making sure I was comfortable. But, of course, that wasn't it.

He put a handcuff on my left wrist and cuffed me to the bed. I looked at him with my sad look that always got me my way.

"Rem.. No.. This hurts" I fake whined but it was pretty darn foolproof.

He sighed quietly and shook his head "im sorry baby" gosh, I hated that nickname. "We're going out and I can't trust you being alone just yet. "

"Where are you going?" He looked at Kevin, Kevin shaking his head. He made me really mad.

"Sorry honey, I can't say. We'll be right back, a few hours give or take. "

HOURS?? I hated Remus and Kevin with my whole being but I can't be alone that long. Especially being able to do nothing.

Remus forced a kiss upon me.. But I complied and kissed back. I was disgusted by it but I had to be good to them. Its the only way to escape.

They left the room, leaving me alone..

Not even half an hour later, I was sobbing. I'm here, alone, in an unknown place. Anybody could come and hurt me.

What did Remus even have to do? This was already tiring my body out.. I don't know why either.

I passed out not even an hour into them being gone. Exhausted out my already tired body..

Kevin's POV

Great. This all was fucking grand.

Not only was I blackmailed by Remus to let him live in this cabin. We were still in Florida but it was hours away from where he lived. Plus, his friends knew nothing about this place.

He also blackmailed a friend of mine, Stephine, to get cameras that could hurt his little kidnapping.

We won't talk about what he has on us.. Just know it's about selling weapons and drugs illegally.

We drove to a closed graveyard. Nobody went there.. Well, maybe drunk teenagers trying to be cool.

There weren't ever cameras there, so it was safe.

We're meeting up with Stephanie to get the cameras she took to hide Remus' tracks.

He was going to break them and make sure nobody would ever find them.

You may be asking, why don't you and Stephanie just report him and gang up on him?

Well, he's hidden the evidence he has against us. If the police go to that cabin, he'll rat us out and we're all fucked.

"You've gotten so soft" I sneered, looking at Remus

"What the fuck do you mean by that? I have so much against you and can fuck your life up just for the laughs. I don't think that is me going soft. " Remus didn't look at me, he was driving after all.

"Well sure, that's obvious. But if I go down, so are you and you know that. But im talking about with Patton. "

"I told you why im like thi-"

"No. Let me finish. " I interrupted "you've had so many other people in your life. They put up just the same fight, but you've always won. Why didn't you keep those people, why go for someone who's taken?"

"You don't understand. " Remus mumbled "I don't have to tell you shit."

"Yeah, you kinda do though. My life is over and so is Stephanie's. You think you have us in this little hole, but you don't. We don't care if we go to jail. Our lives are over, you've taken control over OUR lives. We could report you and not care about anything. At least we can be safer in jail than we are with your ass. Now. Tell me why. "

He chuckled. "God, you're too smart for your own good sometimes. But fine, you win. Let's just say.. Patton shows me good in this world and he makes me a softie.. "

Authors Note

Leaving y'all on a cliffhanger hahaha

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