Part 7

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Logan's POV:

We sat there for a while as patton spilled his heart out to me. And what it sounded like was that his boyfriend.. Well, ex-boyfriend now, didn't love him. He never really helped Patton, put stress on him, made him feel less, raped him, made him uncomfortable, and so much more. It was disgusting.

I just wrapped my arm around his shoulders, with his permission of course. "that'll never happen again, I promise you that. You don't have to deal with him anymore" Patton smiled softly when he heard this. I could tell he really cleared his conscious by talking about this.

"I'm proud of you too. It takes a lot to admit all of this. You're so strong, even if you can't see it. " I said softly, rubbing his shoulder with my thumb.

"Thank you so much. Thank you for listening. It means so much" I smiled at what he said, god whoever this Remus dude is fucked up badly. Patton is so sweet and has been hurt so much, it's disgusting.

"You don't need to thank me, im glad to have helped. If you need anything else, don't be scared to talk to me" He nodded and leaned on me "my friend who is a therapist wants to help me. I just.. I'm scared"

"Well of course, that's completely understandable. But I assure you, he's gone and-"

"No.. It's not just that. I- I had a panic attack and like.. This kind of flashback because my friend grabbed my wrist like Remus did. He didn't mean it and he made up for it.. But I don't know"

"It could be PTSD. Most people suffer from it after something as traumatic as what you went through happens" I stated and Patton nodded "oh.. I hate it so much.."

3rd person's POV

Patton and Logan had been talking for almost 2 hours, when Patton looked at the time, it was 6:37 PM. He looked up at Logan "well, I should probably head back to my dorm"

"Can I walk you there? I know it's not a long walk, but I would feel better to make sure you got there safe. " Patton smiled at this comment, Logan was such a good.. Friend? Were they friends yet?

"Sure, that would be nice" Patton agreed, getting up as did Logan. They left the dorm and Logan locked the door behind him for safety reasons.

They both walked back to Patton's apartment. Logan made mental notes of how the smaller male acted.

Patton was looking around anxiously, he held his own hands, it didn't seem like anything but if you thought why, you would realize his hands were covering his private parts. Even though nobody would look there and he had pants on, he was still scared.

Logan, of course, didn't comment on it. It made Patton feel safe so why call him out on it?

They walked in silence and soon arrived at Patton's apartment. Patton hugged Logan before unlocking his door.

Patton walked inside and stood there, he didn't close the door or anything. He was scared and it wasn't like Remus would magically appear there, he was just scared.

Logan noticed this and spoke up "pat? Are you alright?" The smaller male looked back at Logan.

With tears running down his face, he went by Logan and hugged him tightly, catching him off guard.

"I- I can't logan. I can't live here anymore, it hurts. I cant stop thinking about him.. And.. And what happened " patton cried softly

Logan hugged him, rubbing his back. "Hey it's okay, deep breaths. You don't need to explain yourself, we'll just text one of your friends and you can live with them until you can find a new place"

Patton nodded, sniffling a bit "okay.." He agreed as he left the apartment, not getting anything else. He locked the door and called Remy. Him and Emile lived together so it didn't matter who he called. "Can you ask h- him"

Logan nodded and took the phone as it rang. "Hey Pat! What's up? Is everything alright?" The voice on the other end asked.

He Was There (A Logicality Story) *completed*Where stories live. Discover now