Part 29

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Logan's POV:

I saw Patton, oh thank god! He seems to be physically okay.. Im going to kill Remus.

Unless the cops already did. Either way, Patton looks horrible and I just want to hug him and stay with him for ever.

He had his head down, tear stained face, shaking horribly, looks terrified. This would be another long journey through recovery..

He looked at me and despite what his text said, he ran towards me.. Almost falling.

He got in the ambulance and hugged me tightly as he sat in my lap, his face hidden in my chest.

"Hey, my little butterfly" I said softly, holding his back with one arm and with the other, I had my head on his head.

I gently played with his hair as he sobbed. I didn't ask what happened or anything. That would be dealt with later with the professionals.

I just had to comfort my boyfriend. "You're so strong, love. I hope you know that. You'll never have to be in this situation again. I swear to you that everything is gonna be okay"

I very gently kissed the top of his head, not wanting to scare him. How could anybody do this to him?

We were handed a few blankets but Patton's grip on me tightened. It didn't hurt or anything like that, it just made it clear he was gonna stay by me this whole drive.

We put blankets on him and he clung to me like a little koala. I missed this so much. I wish I could make him happy, just like that.

We were going back to where we lived after the hospital. I talked to the police beforehand and we agreed that Patton should talk to a doctor that he knows and all that.

For him to feel safer and in an environment that he knows.. Even though it's fifteen hours away.

He wasn't crying anymore and he looked at me, I couldn't bare seeing this sadness from him.

"I- I missed you.. Im so so s- sorry" he said quietly, I just held him more protectively, making sure he felt as safe as he could.

"Don't be sorry, you did nothing, my love. Im glad you're okay and I promise you, life is going to be so much better"

"Okay.. I- I believe you" I smiled softly, kissing his forehead. "Im glad. You're safe now, I swear. And.. I have news"  

He stared at me, a tint of fear in his eyes when I said that. I felt so bad.. But this was good news!!

"Uhm.. Is.. Is it good? Did something b- bad happen?" He tensed up and I shook my head.

"Take a moment, everything is okay, I promise. I'll tell you when you're ready. It's good news. "

He nodded and laid his head on my chest. I wasn't about to rush him, I don't know what happened to him. 

What I did know was I was going to keep him safe. No matter what.

"... M- more forehead kisses..?" Patton was so quiet and obviously still scared.. But he was still his cuddly and affectionate self.

"Of course, you get all of them" I said in a soft and calm tone, not wanting to scare him.

I kissed his forehead, cheek, and on the top of his head. He had the smallest smile on his face.

"I- I missed you so much.. I was s- so scared. "

"I know, bab-"

He looked down, putting his hands over his face. It was kinda uncomfortable for me, but I didn't say anything about it.

"Did I say something..? Just tell me, I won't say it. " I said reassuringly, wanting him to feel okay.

"B- baby.. He.. He called me it. Im sorry.. Just please don't c- call me it.."

"Oh my god.."

That's it. Im killing him. If he loved Patton so much, he wouldn't have done.. Done that! Fucking psychopath.

"Im so sorry, my little butterfly" I called him by the nickname that he loved and only we had.

"Thank you, Logie.. And uhm what was the news y- you wanted to tell me..?"

Authors Note

Hiya! So updates might be a little slower because im a bit busy and yeahhhh :/

He Was There (A Logicality Story) *completed*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin