55. For his Lady Love

Start from the beginning

Haider tugged his stripe blue shirt into his black trousers and looked up, tugging the shirt at the back. From the mirror, he watched Amaal walk out of the bathroom. She adjusted the lacy sleeves of her ivory jumpsuit and glanced up. She passed a smile at him and casually walked towards the wardrobe. Haider was glad there wasn't any awkwardness in her.

Amaal tossed her bangs aside and picked up white closed flat sandals.

'Um, Amaal.' – Haider sat beside her, observing her as she bent and tied the straps of her sandals.


'I have a present for you.'

Amaal looked at him and her droopy lips curved into a slow grin, - 'Give.' – She extended her palm. Haider smiled and bounced up. Excitedly, he got the packet from the drawer and hurried back to sitting beside his wife.

'Here.' He picked out a blue velvet box and opened it. Amaal gasped happily. He felt content with her reaction and carefully plucked out a multi-row diamond ring. He was nervous as he didn't know her size but hoped the smallest size would fit. Haider held his breath as he slipped the ring. A fit. Both he and Amaal let out a breath.

'Wow!' She exclaimed looking at it with awe. Haider's smile grew.

'There is one more.' He added with enthusiasm and took out another similar box but this one was rectangular. He opened it, revealing a beautiful five solitaire short gold necklace. Amaal's mouth hung open. He picked it out and requested he made her wear it. She hesitatingly agreed.

As Haider made her wear the necklace, he noted that she wasn't smiling anymore. His smile dropped as well.

'What happened, sweetheart.' – He held her shoulders, - 'You didn't like it?'

Amaal shook her head and smiled, caressing the necklace, - 'It is beautiful. But—' she turned around and held his arms, - 'you shouldn't have spent so much on me. You know I am not interested in expensive luxurious gifts.'

Haider smiled and took her hands in his, - 'I didn't get these to impress you or anything. I got it as a gesture of my love for you.' He explained.

Amaal held his cheek, - 'Haider, your presence, touch, company is enough of gesture of love for me. Love is felt and I feel your love.' She blinked softly at him.

Haider nodded, - 'Yup,' – he caressed her knuckles with his thumb, - 'Still, I wanted this for you. And you are right, love should be felt. I feel your love too.' He leaned forward to kiss her but Amaal clasped her palm over his mouth and giggled.

'We have guests waiting for us downstairs. Already it is weird enough that we are making them wait so long.' She tried to suppress her smile.

Mikael and Alina sat on the sofa. She shifted uneasily, adjusted the Pallu of her plain blue chiffon saree. Her husband questioned her discomfort, but she shook her head. Alina didn't know how to explain to him about the awkwardness of being at her Ex's home. Mikael extended his hand and held her palm in a tight grip. She looked up and smiled at him. A feeling of ease overtook the feel of uncomfortableness. Alina's chest felt unrestricted and she genuinely smiled.

Sometime later, Amaal's squeal greeted them. Mikael and Alina jumped on the spot. Swiftly, he turned around and grinned ear to ear, bouncing on his feet. Amaal rushed to her brother and pounced on him.

Slowly, Alina stood up, her gaze on Haider. He was watching her as well as he took steady steps down the stairs. She gulped softly noticing his stern expressions don't change.

'Hi, Alina. Long time.' Amaal's voice distracted her. Alina looked at her and smiled. Amaal embraced her tightly. Alina felt a strong musky scent from her, but she didn't bother much about that. Perhaps, she had a liking for men's perfume.

'Should I call you Bhabhi or Alina?' Amaal whispered and then parted. She kept holding on to her arms.

'Alina will do.' Alina insisted with a fake look of fear. Amaal and Alina exchanged a laugh. Mikael smiled watching his two most favorite women.

'What were you doing, Amaal? You guys took so long to come.' Mikael asked curiously.

Amaal comfortably rested her arm around Alina's shoulder, - 'F***ing.' She shrugged.

Haider coughed awkwardly. Alina's eyes widened while Mikael simply gaped at his sister. For a moment there was an uneasy silence in the hall. Amaal eyed everyone and then burst out laughing.

She insisted they all take their seats and led them towards the dining hall. Alina fidgeted with the hem of her Pallu and followed them. All three were silent as they stood by the dining table. AK arranged the plates and ceramic bowl, as Mikael pulled out a chair for his wife. And, Haider observed them as they passed a smile.

'Here, sit.' Amaal's voice distracted him. He looked at her and noticed, she had pulled a chair for him. He smiled at her. A feel of comfort overtook him as he looked fondly at her. But before he could sit, the driver, Gopi, walked into the dining room. A look of confusion on his face as he stood next to Haider. He leaned to whisper,

- 'Sir, someone is here to see you.'

Haider straightened; a feeling of nervousness grasped him. He took a deep breath and nodded. Then, he excused himself and strode out of the room with Gopi following him. 

AK in Amaal and Haider's moment ^^)

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AK in Amaal and Haider's moment ^^)

Oh, the special guest is here *nervous* What will happen next

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Oh, the special guest is here *nervous* What will happen next... 

How was the Chapter, my lovelies? Drop your thoughts in the comments, please *smiles* and Stay Tuned for the next update *lots of love* *hugs and Kisses* :*

How was the Chapter, my lovelies? Drop your thoughts in the comments, please *smiles* and Stay Tuned for the next update *lots of love* *hugs and Kisses* :*

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