Why am I still writing this trash X/

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I love y'all and I love Aunt May, but I gotta do it to em:/

Peter made his way home with a considerably large smile on his face. He kept his day with Mr Stark fresh in his mind so he could replay the musty smell and comfortable surroundings as a clean, untainted memory. It wasn't often he felt so relaxed around a person and it was a nice change of pace.

It almost made him forget what was waiting at home.

It wasn't until he stepped onto the concrete stairs of the porch before his joyous attitude had compliantly diminished, leaving just a solemn teen standing by the door. It creaked as he swung it open, revealing a dark house.

Normally, someone would turn on the lights and assume something was wrong, but walking home to a dark house meant only one thing.

"It's movie night!!" May's voice rang in from the top of the stairs.

Peter sucked in his breath, holding back a groan as May held up Toy Story 3. Again??

"May, we've seen that movie for two months in a row" he complained.

He'd completely forgotten who he was talking to, the effects of relaxation still dripping from his brain. It took him a second to see the cold stare she was giving him. He had a chance to fix this.

"I kid" he added on, forcing a chuckle up.

"You'd better hope so you lil shit" she said jokingly.

Peter could feel the venom seeping from her words, but brushed it off. It's not anything new.

(It was either this or her dying, forgive me for I'm about to sin)

"Go set up, I've gotta make a call" she turned back to her room as she spoke.

Peter picked up a few blankets and threw them on the couch after setting up the popcorn machine to heat up. Starting up the TV, he felt his heart sinking as the moments passed.

Pulling out his phone, he sent one message before hiding it in his room.


Hey Mr Stark. I might not be at school tomorrow. I'm not sure yet but my aunt might have some plans. Don't worry if I don't show up, and be sure to eat something 👋

Aunt May came down the steps, a small, dark smile covering her normally sweet appearance. Putting in the disk, she grabbed Peter's hand while she turned up the volume to the max. Most of the neighbors wouldn't complain, seeing as the lot of them were poor and enjoyed the sounds of a show for a bit of entertainment.

Peter let his mind explore itself while she had her way with his physical body, the movie covering up sounds such as glass shattering and muffled screaming with the annoying voices of Buzz lighter. Peter's head sure as hell was feeling buzzy.

Today however, she seemed to have other plans. This consisted of her pulling out a razor and told him to have his way with his wrists.

"It's a coping mechanism, it'll help" she cooed, rubbing his back as he pushed the blade into his own flesh.

Tears stung his eyes, but he wiped them away.

Wrong number :/~~Spider-ManDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora