Piece of Poo am I

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The inevitable awakening was caused by a phone call. Not even Friday could drown out the annoying buzz quick enough for Peter to drift out of REM sleep. Feeling around blindly, Peter's hands instinctively crawled towards the buzzing sound.

Once he got the phone, the call had already ended. He squinted, opening his eyes for the first time in a while. Before he could read who called him, another one popped up. Tired Brain Peter answered.

"Peter??! Holy shit, I thought you were dead. Thank the heavens" a voice of pure relief filled the room, Friday finally disabling the loud silence. A small headache Peter didn't know he had subsided.

"Hello..? Who is this.." Peter mumbled, pushing yhe phone away from his face to try and read the name.

"It's Ned. Where are you right now? Are you hurt?" Ned's voice began to raise, typing heard in the background.

"What? No.. no no.. I'm.. I was asleep. Uh.. what's up dude?" Peter whispered, sitting up a bit to try and figure out where he was, seeing as he felt exactly zero concerning signals bouncing off of anywhere in the room. Plus the air smelled good.

"What's up? What's up?? Dude! You've been missing for like a month!!" Ned yelled, the typing in the background subsiding. "Well, not actually a whole month, but more than three days! I call you, and what do I get? Radio silence! Zip! Nada! Voicemail! Can't treat me like this man! Were partners!"

"Ned.. keep it down man.. he's sleeping" Peter said, laying back down on the floor slowly, covering his eyes from the little light of the room.

"Who's sleeping? Peter where are you? Are you in trouble?? Did you.. oh shit if you needed money you could've gone to me man. Please tell me you didn't.." Ned's voice trailed while Peter processed the implications.

"What?? No! No dude I'm good man! I'm sleeping over at uh.." Peter sat up, hitting his head on the coffee table he'd fallen beneath. "Shit- hold on" Peter crawled out from beneath it and looked around, letting the phone rest between his shoulder and head as he used both arms to rub his eyes for a second.

"You still there man?" Ned's voice echoed in the room.

"Me? Yeah, I'm just.." Peter yawned "I'm just waking up dude. I slept like a rock last night" Peter sighed, still loading in his surroundings.

He'd never felt so.. weird waking up before. There was no nasty taste in his mouth, no urge to throw up, not even the scratchy eye feeling urging him to lie back down. He just felt.. peaceful.

"Tony's place" Peter said, not thinking about it.

He was staring down at the actual Tony Stark (still blows his mind), snoring away on the couch silently. Peter had never seen a man above the age of 30 not snore out tornado warnings.

"Tony? As in Tony Stark?!? Dude you slept in Tony Stark's home??" Peter yelled, the typing ceasing again. Peter didn't remember hearing it continue.

"Yeah, he's asleep though, you gotta quiet down man" Peter whispered, yawning again and pushing some hair out of his face.

Peter was leaning against the coffee table now, looking at Tony.

Nothing was clicking. Not a thought behind those eyes.

"Holy shit dude, I gotta call MJ. She's probably put herself on the watchlist of like 30 different precincts on suspicion of possible murderer in the span of like 12 hours" Ned mumbled "I'm gonna put you on hold, okay?" Ned said cautiously, almost as if he was afraid Peter was gonna disappear again before he'd gotten MJ informed.

There was a beep, and the clicking noise stopped, along with all the background noises and voices that Peter didn't notice had come from the phone. He yawned again.

Wrong number :/~~Spider-ManOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora