Hon Hon Hon I have made a mistake

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Peter arrived at Ned's house, quickly changing moments before into his normal clothes. He took a deep breath, trying to spot any mistakes in his painfully well kept posture as he knocked on the door.

A tall woman answered, "Hello?".

She looked down at Peter, a smile appearing on her face.

"Uh, hi Ms. Lee, is Ned here?" Peter asked nervously, unsure by her expression wether or not he was.

"Peter! Come inside, Ned has been coupled up in his room all week!" She said excitedly "you know, with all the online school stuff and losing his phone, everything has been so hectic!"

"Uh.. I didn't know there was online school.." he admired the homey vibe everything gave off, following her up the stairs.

She knocked on Ned's door, not bothering to wait for his reply as she opened it. Ned has his laptop open to a google meet, camera off, and lying on the floor.

"Peter!" Ned shouted, a grin spreading across his face "what's up man??"

Ms Lee left the room, hearing the kettle downstairs.

"Dude, what the heck? Radio silence for a week? I thought you died or something!" Peter nearly shouted, flopping onto Ned's bed in distress.

"It's your fault you never read your emails. I've sent you like sixty every day. My mom didn't want me going in physical school for a while while my dad's in the hospital so she signed me up for a new online program" he explained "I can back out anytime I want. Can't lie though, being able to do whatever all day when my work's done is pretty cool. I would've gone back to hang out with you if I could though" he said quickly, offering a bag of Doritos to Peter.

Peter accepted them, not having eaten anything today and hoping the bag would at least keep his mind off of the ever aching body he possessed.

"So? We literally have a Morse code message box, among at least 10 other things, why not use any of those?" Peter asked, shoving a dorito in his mouth.

Peter wasn't sure wether to be mad or relieved. Surly Ned could've just spoken to him before this?? Although, he himself didn't try hard enough. He should've known texting wasn't his only way to contact Ned either.

"Sorry dude" Ned apologized, feeling bad for making Peter worry.

"It's alright dude, just.. please don't do that again, I've had a lot happen this week and losing you would've been the worst part of all of it.." he sighed, feeling as though maybe he was being a bit too much.

Ned was free to do his own thing, Peter didn't have the right to burst in on Ned's life if Ned wasn't good on it. Rubbing his eyes and sitting up on Ned's bed, he pulled out his phone.

"I've gotta text Tony now, he said he was gonna call the cops or fbi or something if you didn't show up" Peter said tiredly, opening Tony's contact.

"Who's Tony? And you were worried about me that much??" Ned asked.

"I mean, you ALWAYS reply right after you read it. Imagine if I didn't reply to you for a week via texting, wouldn't you be worried?" He tried to explain.

"Well.. Actually yeah I would be, because you always reply and have a huge target on your back. Although.. I do get what you're saying now. I'll try and be better at that" Ned replied, typing in his attendance.

"Thanks.." Peter sighed.


Goat baby: yo, grandpa

Tiny Snark: what even am I to you at this point

Baby Goat: at the moment, an old guy who is about to have a tired teen come over to hang out

Wrong number :/~~Spider-ManWhere stories live. Discover now