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Tony was pointing out how his singular super genius AI could make better animation than this crap when he got an off feeling.

Stephen seemed to receive the same notion simultaneously.

When they realized they were both feeling it, Tony paused the movie.

"Where's Peter?" he asked, looking to Stephen.

"In the bathroom" he replied, brows still furrowed.

"Yes but—"

"Something feels off" Stephen finished his sentence.

The two idiots tried convincing their singular braincells to team up. It was a work in progress.

Maybe they were being paranoid.. they'd take a second and find nothing wrong and chuckle a bit or something. Peter would walk back in and they'd all just move on with life, right?

Wrong, as usual.

Tony figured it out first, his thoughts wondering from as to why Peter was here in the first place, to when he first told him what happened.

"Movie night.." he whispered, cursing himself.

He shut off the tv and stood up quickly. Stephen, confused, but following behind the man as he rushed down the halls, turned on the light as they went out.


Peter canceled the transaction. He just hoped Tony didn't get any warning texts or something prior to his slow reaction time.

On top of that, the revelation that Tony had given him more access than himself was all exciting, terrifying, and made him feel so guilty with a cherry on top.

He flushed the toilet and rushed to the sink, quickly gurgling water to eradicate the horrid taste he had living in his mouth. Just in case, he had to hurry to clean himself up.

A knock interrupted him mid-splash on his face.

"Peter?" Tony's voice came through the door.

"Yeah, what's up?" He asked, trying to act as confused as he could as to why they were knocking on his door. The text must've sent..

"I uh.. you were in there for a while" Tony didn't want to address it until he was sure, but he still felt like a complete idiot for forgetting such a crucial detail.

So much for making things right, he thought..

What sort of piece of shit didn't go over this kind of stuff? Tony should've prepared for this. He did this to himself, and he didn't feel like there was any right way to fix it.

"Oh.. sorry. I'll be out in a sec" Peter promised, wiping his face off with the rag. He knew they knew.

He looked in the mirror one last time, shutting off the water.

It wasn't perfect, but he'd be fine.

He hoped so, at least.

When he stepped out of the small restroom, he was met with not one, but two concerned adults.

This was already starting to get old.

It was painfully obvious he was crying, that was for sure, but he didn't think it was.

"I'm sorry Peter" Tony breathed "I completely forgot about that.." he rubbed his forehead, pushing his hair back as he did when he was nervous or thinking.

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