Miss Me?

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Who knows how long he sat there?

Not Peter

It'd been a while, he hasn't heard anyone even pass by the door. Made sense, Peter couldn't imagine anyone looking for him here.

Infinite questions for the inevitable future aside! He was pretty chill now. A bit shaken up, but when is he not!

"Friday.. how long have I been in here?" Peter looked at the setting sun curiously.

"You have been in here for 16 minutes and 32 seconds Peter, the time is now 6:45. It was requested that everyone would be at dinner in almost four minutes. I can remind you when the time comes, if you'd like" she responded hastily.

"Yeah, thanks Fri" he smiled a bit. Peter was going to clean up his appearance a bit before going back out with people.

Or- so he thought.

Be it the noise cancelation that Friday mysteriously started up, or the complete dissociation Peter had just escaped from, the teen failed to notice a certain short stack of pancakes hovering by the door.

(Don't question the noise cancellation techs stuff, idk how that works with an open door. At best it's probably just reflecting the opposite wave frequencies that are entering Peter's head, but he's got no headphones in so let's just say it's futuristic tech. I'm changing crap for you guys cuz I wanna write about who I'm about to write about, love y'all 💛)

Peter didn't look like he'd been crying at all, not anymore at least, just stalling or hiding out.

Said short stack of pancakes knocked lightly.

"Hey booger-bear" Tony whispered, stepping  into the room and crouching down next to Peter.

Shock aside, the relief Peter felt when he saw Tony was- well.. shocking.

"Hey, Mr. Stark." Peter shifted to lean against the wall better, a more polite and comfortable way to face a person when talking to them.

"What's got you hiding out in here?" Tony asked, glancing around the room as he slid against the wall beside Peter.

"Ah, just a bit overwhelmed I guess.. I mean- the avengers!" He exclaimed, allowing the back of his head to knock against the wall. "There are more of you guys than I thought!" That seemed to be a reasonable excuse for hiding out, right?

"Hah, I hadn't thought about that". Tony hadn't. Was he stressing his kid out by the sudden introductions? Maybe he should hold this off a bit..

"You guys are like matryoshka dolls 🪆. Poppin open a new one with the bois every year, avengers spillin out like beans" Peter chuckled at his stupid comparison.

Tony laughed mercilessly, not fully understanding what was going on but the randomness of it caught him off guard.

Tony wrapped his arm around Peter smoothly. Pete jumped, but eased into it pretty quick. It was.. nice. He was comfortable like this. Didn't want to find another room to hide out in.



They both lamely examined a painting of some chameleons on the wall in front of them, peaceful silence. Chill atmosphere. Calm vibe. Peter felt so.. whole right then. He couldn't understand it. Hardly containing a smile. Not even for someone else's satisfaction.


It didn't really matter. It really didn't. He felt safe.


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