Dr dad and the dimwits

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Stephen had made enough pasta for a whole family, and Peter had enough room for twice that if he was being honest. He still felt fairly content by the time they'd finished eating.

After a small argument on who'd clean the dishes (each voting for themselves), they both found themselves leaning over the sink with scrubbers, taking their selective items to cleanliness.

The sound of running water and scrubbers was pretty much the only sound that could be heard, outside of Peter's special hearing abilities of course, so it was enough to at least not make things awkward.

Stephen opened his mouth to speak, but Peter beat him to it.

"So like.. you guys are my dads now then, right?" He approached cautiously, pursing his lips.

Stephen blinked for a moment, looking down to Peter.

He slowly nodded, the action getting more secure as he confirmed it to himself.

"So I'm like.. your kid—or.. son, then"

"Yes, you are" Stephen sounded more confident then, setting his dish onto a paper towel, remaining by the counter to talk still.

Peter's the one who nodded this time.

He set his dish aside, hopping onto the island counter across where Stephen stood.

There was some clinking as the dishes slipped a bit, not enough to be concerned though. Peter glanced at Stephen.

"Does that mean I can call you guys like.. dad or something?" He asked nervously, kicking his legs.

The question certainly surprised Stephen, more so than the past few shockers the kid had landed.

"I uh.. I don't see a problem with that" he tried to hide his semi-excitement.

The two looked at each other a moment, Peter letting out a breath of air he'd been holding in.

"Should I like, establish a difference between you two? I mean it'd be kind of weird if I just say 'dad' when addressing you both. Or I guess I could say 'dads'? I've never had two dads before. Well—I've never really had two parents before, not long enough for me to remember. Is the gender thing weird? Should I just call one of you by your name and the other by dad? If I had two aunts I think I'd do that.. would it be offending though? Unless you don't wanna be called dad, or Tony.. does Tony want that? I didn't think about that.. that'd be weird, calling him dad, especially if he didn't like it. Should I—"

"Kid" Stephen interrupted, taking a deep breath as he rubbed his brow.

Peter's head snapped to attention, biting his lip.

"Call us whatever you want, okay? When you called Tony dad the first time, he called me all excited and bragging so I don't think you'll hav to worry about—"

"I called him what?!" Peter hissed, leaning away from the counter, "when??"

Stephen let out a tsk, laughing to himself.

"Wait was it in the car? Did he hear that??" Peter brought his legs into a cross cross position, biting his nail.

Stephen's laugh only got louder.

"It was the fucking sleep thing, wasn't it??" He snapped his finger, letting his head drop.

"Hey watch your language" Stephen muttered, laughing harder.

"I can't believe it" he whined, bringing his hands up to his face, "I didn't mean to".

"How about you surprise him next time and let it happen casually?" Stephen proposed, his laugh dying down.

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