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Part 69 😩👌 🎊

Peter didn't stop by Skip's room that day. He didn't even think about it as he climbed into the car, Happy droning on about how so and so never texted him back. Peter offered some condolences, but those sort of died out after the third time Happy muttered to himself about how he was so low in life that he was getting dating advice form a kid.

Granted, it was a little sad, but not as much as Martha standing him up for the second time.

Peter sighed and looked out the window. He pondered the existence of life and all that, blah blah, something about the inevitability of death and how horrible he'd had it or whatever.

That got him on a rabbit hole of thoughts. His rhythmic tapping on the car door sped up as his thoughts did. He was starting to feel utterly exhausted.

Maybe the coffee stuff wore off? It also could've been his emotional labor, but how could that be a possibility? Emotions are irrelevant to everything and have never affected a physical status. What a dumb thought.

He remembered he was told to meet with Skip later that day. The strange thing? He couldn't bring himself to care. He'd deal without to tomorrow.

Always a great thought process to have.

When they arrived, he wordlessly slipped out of the car.

Happy was a little bit concerned, because he hadn't had the 'Peter Special Goodbye' for almost a week, but he took it as a moody teen moment. Tony still had those, and seeing as this was his kid, there wasn't a doubt in his mind that Peter would be like that too.

Peter went straight to his room when he got back, Friday informing him that Tony was in the lab. He beeped himself in and collapsed on his bed, after launching himself up with the little will he had left.

Faceplanting into his pillow, he lazily draped the blanket over himself before Friday took it as 'Peter's lights out' protocol.

"Goodnight Peter" her soft voice came, as it did most nights when she deemed it fair.

It was barley afternoon still, but someone would probably find it shocking if he actually cared.

Peter laid there in silence, just basking in the sounds seeping out of the room.

He couldn't imagine how Old him got to sleep without this. He felt so pampered, but also so.. put in place at the same time. It was enough to have him sleeping comfortable in minutes.

"Incoming call from Tony Stark" Friday's voice beeped in, making Peter flinch at the sudden noise before groaning in annoyance.

"Can you be a little bit quieter?" He whispered, turning over and wiping his hair off of his face.

"Of course, Peter. Would you like to answer the call?"

"Sure" he breathed, sitting up to face the ceiling.

"Hey kiddo. Just checking in before you pass out. How was school today?"

"Good" he lied, "the lunch food was great".

Two in a row. Nice.

"That's good news. How'd the caffeine shots go?"

"Not bad. A little bit.. strong, I guess? But the one cup got me through the day" Peter yawned, pulling his blanket more securely over himself.

Tony chuckled over the call, a creak being heard that Peter could only imagine was Tony leaning back in whatever chair he was in.

"I'll get to work on that in a bit. Stephen is going to be home late, so if you want to talk him before tomorrow set an alarm for a nap. If not, I'll tell him you say hi. Sleep well bud." There was some rustling around, as if he was getting up.

Wrong number :/~~Spider-ManUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum