I have a feeling not everyone will be happy with me

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The near-empty hallways somehow made
the journey seem worse. One would think that NOT having a hectic hall of teenagers going through various levels of an existential crisis would be a good thing. Now? it just made it all the more daunting.

As Peter passed by the classrooms, he couldn't help but actually feeling sick. It was happening again.

His hands rubbed against his bag anxiously. It seemed as if every time he tried to stop picking at something, the only way to do so was picking at something else.

It'd been a while since Peter had gotten an attack, at least one of this level. Was that even what was happening? Normally he had some sort of warning, but it seemed that the blueish-grey hallways and still-settling teens had other plans. As it turned out, the mere thought of seeing Skip was becoming a trigger for him.

That wasn't good.

He tried clamping down his jaw when the hallway slightly swayed in front of him. His skin felt like frozen nails were poking him from the inside out. It was all wrong.

He tried to keep himself from shaking. How could he not? At what point in his life did he ever find something scarier than this, other than losing someone he cared about. And he was walking into it willingly. Each step felt like tiny little spiders were crawling up and down his arms, whispering horrid little things into his ears.

Seeing the classroom made his mouth dry.

He thought back to his and Ned's last conversation.

'Go to mr Stark about it. I'm not kidding, that guy can do anything".

Maybe he could.

Maybe he couldn't.

Was Peter willing to take that risk? To tear down the reputation of the billionaire just to save his own ass?

Tony stark could do anything though.

So long as Skip didn't know he told Tony, he'd be fine, right?

Yeah.. that checked out.

He had to make the choice now, he decided.

They were only a couple of doors down from where they were supposed to be. Ned was going on about something in Star Trek about Pon Farr and how it has shaped humanity in all of the worst ways.

The pit in Peter's stomach was screaming for him to just leave. Every step he took was like a warning bell ringing in his head. Honestly, he couldn't think of many occasions that his senses would freak out like this. It irked him down to his very core.

Peter rubbed his hands together, his pace faltering slightly.

He closed his eyes, taking a breath.

He'd decided.

"Hey Ned, I gotta go to the bathroom. Hold up for me!" he called out, waving to Ned as he turned on his heel towards the restrooms.

Ned gave him a quizzical look, but waved back anyways.

He pushed the door open, making sure the room was empty before he went into one of the stalls.

This was it. Peter was gonna do it.

So long as Skip didn't find out, he'd be alright. In fact, he might not even have to deal with today. If Tony was fast enough, it could all be handled in minutes.

He could do this.

Tony could do this.

Once Peter had sat down on the toilet, he realized how hard this would be.

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