Goat baby

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On a scale of 1-10, that movie night was closer to a -3.

Aunt May told him to spend some time in his room to think about coming home so late again. Wasn't the first time and won't be the last. He had to stay in there for only two days though, only allowed to come down and eat with his aunt.

So here he was, planning his whole weekend to make sure he was able to walk properly on Monday. Not that he could leave, she checked in every half hour or so to make sure he didn't go out the window like some rebellious teen.

He texted Ned about some thoughts he had, something to do with a magnetic floor with magnetic suit for a weird hover-skate park. He had to retype a lot of stuff and figure out what was possible. It was all a fantasy, but anything to keep his mind off of the ache in his back was worth it.

"Hey Peter, dinner is ready" a soft voice came through the door.

Aunt May pushed it open a crack, a sweet smile on her face as she led him to the table, supporting his weight as he limped down the stairs.

"I'm sorry about earlier, I think I was too harsh" she muttered, looking to the uncleaned blood stain left on the couch. "I'll clean that up though, don't worry" she winked at him assuringly, rubbing circles on his back as she left to go grab the pasta from the stove.

Peter sat silently with his head down, an aching headache and shivering limbs while he tried to stay sitting up. May set the pot on the table, scooping him a large portion of the food and passing him a fork.

"You can eat, Peter" she commented, allowing the boy to look up and slowly stab his noodles, "so. How was your day? What did you do with that extra hour and a half?" She asked nicely, a silent threat behind her words.

Peter flinched.

"We.. got a robot working.." he muttered, shoveling more food into his mouth quicker, afraid she'd get angry and make him stop.

"Oh really? What kind?" She took her own mouthful, seemingly genuinely interested in his words.

"Uhm.. it was an AI for one of his coworkers.. he worked on a suit for something while I added some coding and commands. I also managed to get a 3D printed case for it. If it becomes popular at all, there could be customizable 3D cases for it. If I work a bit more on the structure of it, I could make the cases removable or maybe able to change with certain settings for outer screen technology able to be accessed by phone or even touch screen-" he was cut off by a flick to the head, silencing him immediately.

The flick was meant to be joking, but Peter knew what happened if he didn't shut up.

"Peter, you gotta talk in a way I understand, sweetie. You know this. If I can't understand what you're saying, I can't listen and talk. And besides, you're talking way too much than you should be" she patted his head "It annoys people, a lot" May warned scoldingly, a ghost of a smirk on her face.

Translation: talk less, smile more, or I'll kick you into the floor.

As much as he was used to it, Peter felt guilty for talking so much around Tony now. He'd have to dial it down later, Tony didn't deserve to have to put up with Peter's annoying voice all day.

"Yes ma'am" he replied, taking another bite.

"Glad you understand, I feel bad for whoever would have to listen to this all day!" She laughed, hitting his shoulder.

He smiled along, glad to have her spirits up again. He ate slower, knowing he was out of the yellow zone and back on green.

"What exactly proved that it worked?" She asked curiously, pointing her fork at him.

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