Its been fun guys, and it still will be (:

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Another week or so passed. Peter had semi-adjusted to online school, thankful for his freedom to text at all hours of the day.

When Tony had given Peter his phone back, the man had gone over at least twelve different ways Peter could call for help or be tracked, including an entire little drone that would latch on to him if he left his phone anywhere past 30 feet, should he be outside of Friday's view. Peter was fairly certain that if Stephen hadn't caught Tony giving an illegal trade of for a phone he apparently was not supposed to make from scratch, by the end of their little chat, Peter would've literally been microchipped.

The drone was a little over the edge, but he recognized how stressed Tony had been lately. It's not like he ever did much without his phone anyways, and the thing sorta just sat there and broadcasted location. All it did was alert Tony it was in use, and he was free game so long as he wasn't dying or anything.

Back to the phone thing. Peter had a love hate relationship with being constantly available for texting. On one hand, he never had to feel guilty about not replying right away, because he was right there to reply.

The hate? Not everyone else was. He was only able to receive texts so often throughout the day, and it almost saddened him that his only availability for communication in his friends was limited to not only physical distance, but a restraint on their ability to speak with him.

This caused Harley to get his phone taken a lot in class.

What class are you in right now

Mr Burley's

Sorry that I couldn't be there to help present
I was actually kinda excited for once

Tragic, I know
I was lookin forward to seeing you bein all cute up there talking about it 😉
Plus, we get a lotta extra points since we were caught in an explosively popular event

Sometimes I wonder what's wrong with you

It's you 😩😩😩
Drivin me mad all the time
Like damn, I am over here trying my BEST, but then you mosey along and all of a sudden I'm all over the place
Like does a man even seduce me so fast

You seem to be attracted to things that have a disturbing past

Okay yeah boo hoo, maybe I do like the broken glass cat more than the fixed one
Sue me for it, fucker
Plus, you're one to talk
You seem to treasure dung quite a bit

Are we still going on about the bag of dog shit
Like hell if I knew
The guy just said the bag was taken from this little kid, and the kid was crying
So what if I ran after it
how the hell was I supposed to know it was just his uncle running it to the trash
It's not like I tackled him or anything
Sure I made a pretty dumb fool of myself, but at least I tried, right???

Still in awe at how smart you are

Shut up

PiderSman changed HotTamale's name to "Spike"

Is this my little pony or gremlins


Is it..
It's it because..

Yes it's because you blew up
You should shut up too


Wrong number :/~~Spider-ManHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin