Splish spalsh Im having a heart attack

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Tony walked into his lab, sipping the afternoon coffee. He'd cut down considerably on his coffee lately, not feeling the need to have half-morning coffee or half-noon coffee, just morning noon and random hours of the night. That didn't change how tired he was though, his sleep schedule stayed the same. The whirring of the reactor in his heart however, seemed to spin slower. It was comforting in a way.

The kid said he got here a bit ago, and Abigail has already taken him in. That is primarily why Tony was so confused to find the room empty.

Taking another sip of his coffee, Tony looked up to the ceiling to call for Friday of Peter's location.

There Peter sat, head and knees attached to the ceiling as he worked on whatever lay on his stomach. To describe what he looked like.. uncomfortably comfortable. Only someone like Peter would ever be able to pull that position off and like it. A reasonable reason as to why would consist of some inner details to Peter's workings. Spiders don't feel motion sickness, that study has been proven when they aren't drugged, at least for some species. That would mean if Peter adopted that skill, his back and neck would benefit in flexibility and lack of soreness.

That didn't surprise Tony any less, however.

"Peter!" He shouted, holding his arms out in preparation to catch the distracted kid through pure instinct relying on the fact that people don't normally stick to ceilings.

Peter jumped, letting out a yelp as his grip to the concrete ceiling unfastened itself, sending him hurdling down to the floor. Or.. more accurately, down to Tony. While Tony's arms failed to catch the full 120 pounds of pure infant, his face did a pretty good job.

Coffee flew across the room the second Peter's weight and velocity counteracted Tony's standing strength. In a split second before Tony hit the floor, Peter flung his arm to the floor beneath the older man's head and pushed himself up just enough to not land on Tony when he hit the floor, along with giving Tony a bit of a cushion for when his head slammed against Peter's hand, releasing a loud crack.

"Peter!!" Tony shouted again, this time with concern.

Peter rolled to the side, off of Tony, and tightened his arms around his injured torso to try and pressure away the pain that caused his still healing damage.

"Is your hand okay?" Tony asked with worry, sitting up and putting his hand on Peter's shoulder to roll him over to face Tony.

Peter nodded, wincing and out of breath "You popped my finger" he said breathlessly as he tried to regain the wind knocked out of him.

"Oh thank the heavens" he cried out, wiping his brow "I thought I broke you"

"Can't break what's already broke" Peter joked, unsure if he was talking about his physical or financial status.

Tony chuckled, happy to see that Peter was alright at least.

"I'll give you a minute, is your project okay?" He asked, grabbing the kid's hand and dragging him into a standing position, looking to the pyramid shaped box he was working on.

After a second or so, a few awkward breathing methods running through his mind, Peter regained a normal pattern and followed Tony's gaze to the AI's physical form.

"Oh, yeah, he's all good" Peter reassured, picking up the black piece of tech "I was actually just working on the case so that when stuff like that happened, it'd all be fine"

"Thank goodness, I was worried I just destroyed the whole project. Speaking of, hows it going so far?" Tony asked, feeling as though he should probably keep a bit of a closer eye on Peter's work.

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