I'mGoingToCallThis a fillerEvenThoIt's importantbecause it WasAnAccident. Filler

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Peter woke up to what literal hell would sound like.

The sound of people. (Horrifying I know)

Cars honked below him and chattering went on. He was in a very popular part of town, surprised that he didn't get woken up by anyone on the roof. Sitting up, he stretched out his back as he sat up. The tower was still in sight, setting a small smile on his face.

Peter was so tired. That was one of the best sleeps he'd had in a long time, and the reality that the medicine from last night wore off made itself clear by the aching bones that rattled his soul.


The living representation of Gen Z dug through his suit pockets for his phone, releasing a sigh of relief when he found it.

Unfortunately, fate was against him and no higher beings shined upon his luck, nor did any god love him. His phone was dead.


Sighing, he made sure his mask was on securely before sliding down a web into a less visible corner. From there, he took backend streets until he arrived at the locked safe from yesterday, changing into his clothes and removing the uncomfortable spandex.

If Peter were to guess, he'd say it was around 5-6 in the morning. The sun wasn't shining in his eyes and while things were very noisy, the people were scarce. He confirmed this by asking a stranger the time, who also ended up giving him a full burrito. Peter could only assume they thought Peter was homeless or got an extra one. Looking in the reflection of a glass window nearby, the answer was still unclear. He shrugged. High school had seen him on worse days.

Peter didn't look bad per say.. just very tired and worn down. Sure, everything felt like period cramps (not that Peter would know🤫) from head to toe, but Peter was healing a lot faster than normal. He should learn and use some of the stuff MJ used on him yesterday.

Speaking of, he was deep in a shit-hole now. He'd dug so deep, if this were Minecraft, he would've manage to break bedrock. And while in survival. That's how big of a deal this was.

Nothing he could do but bulldoze through it now.

Peter stepped into the halls of the high school, heading to his locker and shrugging off his backpack while he dug through.

"Hey Peter!" A familiar voice rang out. So much for a break.

Flash jogged up to him, pulling off his own bag as he opened his own chamber of secrets. Oh yeah, Flash was right across the hall from him. What luck.

"Holy shit man, you look like hell" he commented, taking note of the bruised cut across Peter's cheek, along with the disheveled hair and muddy shoes.

"Thanks man, I almost died last night" Peter replied lamely, knowing the chances of Flash being concerned were almost nonexistent.

But never zero.

"You good? I can lend you my jacket if you wanna hide your face more, and I've got a comb in my bag. I don't think I can do much for your shoes other than some wet paper towels" he offered, closing his locker in which business was done with.

Peter started at him cautiously as Flash leaned against the locker across from him. Nothing in his senses seemed off, and Flash didn't seem like he had any malicious intent.. that wasn't enough though.

"You.. want to.. help me? With my hair and clothes.." He said slowly, as if it wasn't clear. Which it wasn't.

"Okay, yeah, I know I've been an ass, man, I'm trying to make up for it okay?? At least let me help you this week, then I'll leave you alone if you want" Flash offered, holding out his hand.

Wrong number :/~~Spider-ManOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz