Organizations attempts at Flirting!

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The Organizations including FBI and Interpol: *in one room doing whatever they do best*

United Nations: *walks into the room with some papers*

FBI: *goes into flirt mode* Is it just me or did it get hot in here?

United Nations: *puts the papers down on the table* You know you are kinda right! I am just gonna find the remote to turn up the AC *leaves the room*

FBI: ...

The other Organization including Interpol: *starts to laugh and wheeze or feel entertained*

FBI: Oh shut up!

Interpol: What? That was funny!

NATO: Your attempt at flirting suck you know?

FBI: Yeah like you can do better?

NATO: Duh I can!

NASA: Here we go again...

NATO: *casually puts an arm around African Union*

African Union: uhhhhh what...? *slightly blushes*

NATO: Sorry about that. I couldn't help but admire your handsome face *smirks*

African Union: *pulls out uno reverse card*

NATO: Da fuq *blushes*

Interpol: *legit banging his hands on the table while laughing to death*

ASEAN: Really? T_T

European Union: -_-

SAARC: *drinking tea/chai while watching* Now this is something entertaining!

BRICS: *watching while feeling entertained* Agreed!

United Nations: *comes back into the room to see the scene in front of him* ... what did I miss?

ASEAN: You don't want to know...

European Union: You didn't miss anything just some weirdness is all!

United Nations: Okay... -_-

A/N This is something I personally thought would legit happen! I mean come on! Also new ships are added which are:

FBI x United Nations

European Union x ASEAN

NATO x African Union


That's all! <3

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