QnA #4

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| Ashy_Oof |

| Ashy_Oof |

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Bangladesh Army: I am sorry WHAT?!

Bangladesh: I... didn't know that...

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India: I do remember him just not that much.

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Me: India doesn't have a death mode or dark side and the only person with a dark side is Bangladesh Army! Though when it comes to war India goes all Indian Army and India at the same time!

| IhateOnions- |

| IhateOnions- |

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India: I wasn't on good terms with him after the whole British Raj incident but we are currently on good terms with him right now.

Pakistan: I don't know... He's neglected me his whole life during the British Raj yet he pretends to not remember the things he had done.

Bangladesh Army: I hate him with every inch of my being that I wish I could kill him off...

Bangladesh: He's okay. I don't mind him that much or at all. :)

India: none of us are chaotic like that but there are times when Pakistan is the one who's being randomly chaotic.

Pakistan: Then there's Bangladesh Army who's the calm one along with Bangladesh.

Bangladesh Army: Mhm...

Bangladesh: UvU

| oof101oof |

| oof101oof |

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India: ... I am sorry? I also feel sorry for you.

Russia: They are okay but sometimes Ukraine plans on getting on my last nerve along with Kazakhstan! Overall they are fine.

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India: ... Yeah...

China: We... seriously don't talk about that anymore because of... you know.

Me: Yeah that's about it for this fourth batch of questions!

Me: Send in more questions please and I will gladly answer them along with the countries!

Me: Bye! Peace Out!!

CountryHumans Oneshots and ShenanigansOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora