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Note: So before I start! I just wanna say that I was supposed to do this chapter after a few of the chapters I had ideas on but I just thought of doing this first so yeah!

This was technically a request but I am also kinda making this part of my AU!

Also a shoutout to tigerlilly7138359917 for the amazing idea!

Nearly all/ Some of the countries basically at Germany's house: *waiting around and stuff for Germany*

Czech Republic: Any idea why Germany called some of us countries here?

Qatar: He did mention that he wanted to show something or someone.

Poland: That's what I heard too!

MPaja: Where is he tho?

PKI: Not sure but I am hoping he gets here soon!

Bangladesh: I am sure it could be important plus it's best that we stay patient for him to come and show us.

India: I am with Bangla on this one.

Indonesia, Palestine, Malaysia, Philippines, South Korea, Iraq and Nekomi Japan: *nods in agreement*

Slovakia: *slumps down on a couch* Okay now I am bored!

Slovenia: same!

Algeria: Count me in!

Bangladesh Army: *sighs and leans against a wall while looking at his phone*

Pakistan: *also doing the same with his phone*

Few other countries: *doing whatever or minding their own business*

A few minutes later~

Germany: *comes through the door* Ah! sorry making you guys wait so long!

Iran: It's alright but where were you?

Germany: *scratches his neck a bit nervously* oh well it was a bit hard to bring them here considering she is a bit shy!

North Korea: Who is this 'she'? *deadpans at him slightly*

Germany: Oh! Well *looks down behind him* hey it's okay you can come out, they are nice.

Bougainville: *slightly clutching on to Germany's trousers and peeks from his left leg and looks at the older countries in front of her*

Germany: Sorry she is a bit shy.

Poland: Aww! A toddler country! Who is she? *comes slowly to Germany*

Germany: Her name is Bougainville! I found her in Papua New Guinea and took her in and now she calls me 'Dada'.

Poland: *crouches down to Bougainville's level* Hello there little on.

Bougainville: *looks at Poland and back Germany*

Germany: Go on she's nice.

Bougainville: *looks at Poland and slowly walks towards her*

Poland: *smiles and slowly pats the toddler country's head* Cute.

Bougainville: *giggles* M-m-

Bangladesh: Aww! She's trying to say another word!

Canada: Any idea what it could be?

Nekomi Japan: I have one but let's just see if I am true or not.

Bougainville: M-mu

Poland: *talks softly* You can do it.

Bougainville: *smiles at Poland* M-Mama!

Every Country in the room: *s i l e n c e*

Bougainville: Mama! *walks and hugs Poland*

Poland: *blushes in embarrassment* w-wait does she think I am a mom to her?!

Germany: *also slightly blushes* Y-yeah I think so...

South Korea: *crying tears of joy and because Gerpol is near to being a thing* ThE wOrLd Is MaKiNg EvEn MoRe SeNsE aGaIn-

North Korea: Oh shush South!

China: This was too wholesome!

Algeria, Palestine and Iraq: *nods in agreement* yep!

America: *whispers to Army* Am I the only person who doesn't trust the toddler?

Bangladesh Army: *was looking at them and whispers back to America* I don't know if I should agree with you on this...

North Korea: I don't trust them either...

PKI, MPaja, Martial Law and Russia: Same...

Bangladesh Army: But we have to do this for the other countries which is that we should try to at least give Bougainville a chance even if we don't trust her.

Qatar: *nods* you're right.

America: *sighs* yep!

North Korea: *slightly annoyed* can't believe I am doing this...

Russia: Says the one who kissed Nekomi under a mistletoe and still didn't ask her out.

North Korea: oh piss off!

PKI: Whatever makes you feel tough North!

North Korea: Ugh! I am outta here! *walks out the front door of Germany's house*

Japan, Slovenia, Czech Republic and Iran: *just looked at North getting out of the house in annoyance* ;-;

Qatar: uh...

MPaja: It's fine. He will be fine.

Martial Law: He's like that sometimes.

Czech Republic: understood.

Nekomi Japan: *noticed that North is not with them anymore and thinks* Where did North-san go?

A/N: tigerlilly7138359917 I hope this met your expectations and very sorry for my cringe writing! I hope you still enjoyed this tho! <3

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