When America and Russia are spying on Ukraine and Canada's 'Date'!

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Canada and Ukraine: *was at the park for their hangout*

Russia and America: *spying on them by hiding in a bush*

Ukraine: *laughing at one of Canada's jokes while slightly blushing* OMG! You are so funny Nada!

Canada: *blushes* Thanks Raine!

America: Aw aren't they cute!?

Russia: *legit has the overprotective brother mode on*

America: *looks at Russia and has the face of concern* Russia no!

Russia: Russia yes! If that brother of yours makes a move on my little sis I won't hesitate to crush him off ya know?

America: Russia just let them be... You know you can't keep her away from boys forever and you have to let her go at some point.

Russia: But she's so young and I don't want that maple syrup lover to break my sister's heart!

America: I can assure you that he won't be breaking your sister's heart and if he does I will slap him and give him a lecture if that makes you feel any better?

Russia: *inhales and exhales* alright fine!

America: Good now let them be! >:)

Russia: >:(

A/N No kidding but it's a true fact that Russia is very overprotective of his younger siblings especially Ukraine! xD

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