My CountryHumans Headcanons! #1

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Ft. Mughal Siblings, Nepal, Palestine, Iraq and Myanmar!

✥ The Mughal Siblings and the Filipino Siblings are best friends!

✥ The Mughal Siblings have step siblings who happen to be the UK Siblings (America/USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand)!

✥ The Mughal Siblings step parents happen to be France and UK

✥ Bangladesh is very oblivious to somethings but of course not to love since she has a huge crush on Nepal and is basically the youngest twin and sibling!

✥ Bangladesh technically is a huge shipper along with Nekomi Japan and Philippines and trust me they have a huge ship book with the ships they have written down so far!

✥ Bangladesh is not a huge of fan of violence and doesn't tend to go and fight with other people and tend to break up the fight especially between Pakistan and India as they always start fighting for small things!

✥ Bangladesh really likes Nepal but is practically scared she will ruin their friendship and that it just might affect everything and doesn't really like friend-zoning Nepal cause it basically makes her want to slap herself!

✥ Bangladesh basically sees the positive side of things even tho she went through a huge as heck history which included his father, Mughal and step-father, UK and also his older brother Pakistan!

✥ Bangladesh is the only one that can comfort Nepal when he is going through small panic attacks but of course sometimes sings to him to calm him down.

✥ Bangladesh is very innocent so no corrupting this smol bean!

✥ Bangladesh Army is pretty much Martial Law 2.0 and technically a bit scarier since he does this really creepy face that makes people very scared of him sometimes and yeah his sharp teeth too or some may like to call it his dark side!

✥ Bangladesh Army seriously doesn't like the Water-Lily Harem(Saudi-Arabia, Oman and Mauritania) like at all and is always planning on throwing a grenade at them but that's not as fun as shooting at them with his SPAS 12 while chasing them and laughing like a maniac in the process!

✥ Bangladesh Army technically let's Palestine wear his jacket cause it looks cute on her and the fact that it makes him blush like hell and trust me on this fact when I say he is crushing on her like a lot!

✥ Bangladesh Army legit wants Bangladesh for once to use offense to defend herself and stuff but of course knows that's never happening or probably won't be at all!

✥ Bangladesh Army is Bangladesh's twin brother and is a few minutes older than Bangla and he is very protective of her!

✥ Bangladesh Army has nothing against Nepal but only just hopes that when Nepal and Bangla are a couple he wouldn't break her heart or he will be next on his list!

✥ Bangladesh Army is good friends with Martial Law and Del Pilar but mostly Martial Law since they are both protective of their little sisters and all and gets along with his older brother, Pakistan!

✥ Pakistan is well practically he's pessimistic but he knows how to be optimistic but not often and the fact that he is the second eldest sibling in the household!

✥ Pakistan legitimately gets into fights about the stuff happening in the present and past with India while India just want to make things right with each other and he knows that it's India's fault they lost their real dad!

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