She's going to camp!

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This story contains profanities, violence, and other mature themes. Please read at your own risk.


I ignored the voice, as I was listening to the voice inside my head. It was telling me to let out all the rage that I've been keeping inside myself. All I know is, I want to kill this bastard in front of me. 

As I was about to lay another hit, a tremblings hand was holding my face, forcing me to stare at her soothing hazel eyes.

"You are hurting yourself. This is not you."

She was holding me close before I knew it. Her fragile and weak hands were gripping my body. It feels like all the rage in my heart was taken away by her firm grip and her soothing scent. She smells like a sweet blueberry with a bit of vanilla. 

It feels familiar. The feeling of being comfort by her is similar to how Ian comforted me during that night. The night I fell in love with him.

Badump, badump, badump. 

She released me, and she caresses my face, the next thing she did, she pressed her soft lips to my forehead, before she kissed both of my cheeks. I was too shocked that my body won't move. She then wanted to kiss my lips.

Austin's face slips into my mind. I don't have time for love, and she's a girl. Without realizing, I gripped tightly on Jessica's collar before roughly pushed her away from me. The strong impact caused her to fall on the floor. 

Suddenly Rebecca and Ben grabbed me away and shouted, "Stop Austin, if you lay your fingers on Huttington, you'll be dead!" 

Ben shakes my body roughly. It's like he wants me to wake up from the beast mode. While Rebecca, she was helping Jessica, who looked terrified at my sudden change.

As I was about to look at Jessica, who was calmed down by Rebecca, suddenly, Clara James rushed towards me and gave a thunderous slap on my left cheek. 

Pang! That's hurt! 

I can't blame her. Her boyfriend almost died because of me too. But to my surprised, she hugged me tightly.

"You idiot! What if your wounds reopened! I know you were fkg stabbed yesterday and now you are beating someone else" Clara said with annoyed tone before she glared at Jessica.

Someone else? I was beating your boyfriend. Shouldn't you worried about him now?

"Oh gosh, are you okay?" Despite feeling shocked with what I just did to her earlier, Jessica asked me while trying to look for the wounds.

"I'm fine. It was a small cut. It's not a big deal," I replied annoyedly while ignoring her eyes.

 Everything annoyed me. I still can't calm my heart that was still beating hard because of what Jessica did to me. I can't even look at her. Both Clara and Jessica look worried.

"Austin Kruz, you're going with us to the Principal's room." The teachers that just come to the scene asked me with a demanding tone. However, they seem to avoid making eye contact with me.

I nodded before I kicked Derick for the last time before the nurses carry Derick to the Ambulance. Before I follow the teachers, I look back at Jessica Huttington, who was being cheered by the girls, except Clara that still looked tense.

I looked at Jessica and said, "Who are you?"

"je suis ton chevalier blanc"

She smiles as her cheeks were blushing. The girls were blushing when they watch me talking to Jessica. In contrast, Rebecca hinted me just to go away. I bet Rebecca was trying to protect me.

The Revenge of an Angel (gxg) [COMPLETED ✔]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt