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2 years later.


It was a late-evening fall wedding

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

It was a late-evening fall wedding. The area was exposed to the calm but breezy air. Rose-scented candles hung from naked tree branches at the end of each seated aisle. White leaves covered the aisle as far as the eye could see, lightly moistened, so they didn't crack when you stepped on them.

"Okay, Jessica, you need to breathe... Can you do that for me?" Raven said as she caressed my hands.  She is one of my bridesmaids, along with, Becca, Estelle, and Clara James. 

Only five minutes remained before my wedding began. I was nervous, just like the first time I first met her.

"I can breathe," I said to her, "I just need my baby, Kael, to calm me down. Where is he?"

They looked at me wide-eyed. "Uh, Jessica... about that."

(Twenty seconds later)

"What do you mean he's not here! I told you that I want to walk with my baby. I can't get married without seeing my baby first. No way!"

"Look," Clara said annoyedly.

"Everyone's here, and your son was there seating at Mr Haydn's lap, and they are waiting for you. It's about to start. Ashley is waiting at the end of the aisle, and she's just as nervous as you are. Imagine if we walk to the entrance, not because the bride wants to walk to the aisle, but it turns out a bridesmaid rushed to get her son so that the bride would confidently walking? Do you really want to spoil the ceremony just because of that?"

I shook my head.

"Good, because if you keep on throwing a tantrum, I'm the one who will walk to the aisle and marry her," Clara said, softly mocking.

"Clara!" I pinched her arm, causing everyone to laugh.

"Good luck," The bridesmaids said as they exited the back room and made their way to the front. The groomsmen and bridesmaids stood arm in arm, beaming. I then questioned how I appeared. The crowd had stopped talking to one another. They began to photograph the moment in order to remember it.

Finally, the priest came out and asked everyone to stand. 

Now, it's my turn! All eyes would soon be on me. As the flower girls, Laetitia Armento lined the path with white rose petals as the musician playing their instrument. They were playing Elvis Presley's hit song.  'Can't help falling in love,' and 'How long will I love you, by About Time.

 I only took two steps out before my mum greeted me. 

She led me down the aisle, which seemed to go on forever. She became my pillar of strength; without her, I would have collapsed. The guests stared at me, taking photos of my outfit, waving at me, smiling—but one thing was certain: no one made a sound.

The Revenge of an Angel (gxg) [COMPLETED ✔]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ