Extra: Jaime Kruz.

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Enchantingly, from time to time, she would blink her eyes, causing her eyelashes to flutter like a butterfly's wings

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Enchantingly, from time to time, she would blink her eyes, causing her eyelashes to flutter like a butterfly's wings. Her eyes were absolutely mesmerising, oh god. Those emerald-green ones. 

There was a kind of beauty that was overlooked, perhaps because she was so disarmingly conscious of her beauty. She was too much, too much beauty that can capture any hearts. 

Like a fool I am, she captured mine too. 

With no efforts, she captured mine. 


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"Jaime! Why are you spacing out?" Angeline asked with a wide smile on her face.

Look at that smile? It's breathtaking. 

"Nothing, I just gotta memorized this line. I have a mock exam tomorrow. Remember?" I said softly.

"Ah right, I'm sorry Mr Attorney!"

She's been smiling all day, but I know that she was faking it. 

"But why you look sad though? Did she hurt you, again?"

Her smiled slowly faded. She exhaled a deep breath, and said "No,"

She rose up from the chair, and suddenly she fainted.

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"Doctor, how is she?" I asked.

"Are you both still a student?"

"Yeah," I replied.

"Sigh, this is why sex education is important," the Doctor said annoyedly.

"I'm sorry?"

"She's pregnant,"

Thump, thump, thump.

"Excuse me?"

"Congratulations," the doctor said as he offered his hand to congratulate me.

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"Why are you being so dramatic? Look, I'm fine. I just don't have any appetite these days and I felt nausea lately,"

"That's because you are pregnant," I said, with a heavy tone.

Angeline shocked and terrified.  "I'm what?"

"Let's meet Regina, she's studying medicine right? We can ask her how to abor-"

"I'm keeping it." Angeline smiled.

"What?? Are you crazy?? Do your plan to tell Ellie?" 

"What?? Are you crazy?? Do your plan to tell Ellie?" 

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"No... She's going to marry next week right? I don't want to ruin her life anymore. I mean, I'm an orphan, and she's an heiress," Angeline smiled sadly.

Even she hurt you, so many times. You still love her. 

Why couldn't you fell in love with me?

"Then she shouldn't impregnated you, no?" I asked annoyedly.

"I know right?" Angeline chuckled, trying to hide her sadness.


I exhaled a deep breath, "Marry me, Angeline Vaughn."

"Are you kidding me? No."

"If Roswell knows that you are having her baby, she will not let you go. I mean, the Roswell would not let you go. They will take your baby, forcedly."

"Do you want me to say that this is yours? That will hurt her. I rather die than hurting her!" 

"Think about your baby. Do you honestly think that the Roswell family will accept your baby? They probably will kill your baby,"

"No matter what, I will protect my baby," Angeline said with tears filling her eyes. 

"Let me protect you and our child. And, I promise you, I will not touch you without your consent, or demand anything from you,"

I kneeled down and grabbed her hands, gently.

"I'm Jaime Klayton Kruz, humbly ask you, Angeline Vaughn, to marry me, and be my happily ever after,"

God, let me protect my Angel.

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"What do you want?" Elizabeth asked coldly

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"What do you want?" Elizabeth asked coldly.

"I'm going to marry her,"

"What?" Elizabeth asked, disbelief.

I smirked. "I proposed her, and she said, yes"

"That's not true, why would she—"

"I know right? I mean, I'm a nobody and yet she said yes,"

Her temples throbbed with rage, and she stared at me with fury eyes. She then took out her cigarette, and smoke it charmingly.

"That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard from you

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"That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard from you. Why would she marry you when she loves me the most?" She chuckled, with rage inside her eyes.

"But, we slept together... Gosh, she's so beautiful. I can't stop thinking about a cute tiny mole, under her nipple," I said casually as I sipped my wine.

It's a lie, for sure.

The truth is, Angeline told me about it when she's drunk. She said that Elizabeth noticed about her tiny mole under her nipple that even Angeline didn't notice it.

From her expression, I'm sure she's going to explode.

Instead. She laughed hard, and it caused everyone to looked at our table.

"Why you laugh?"

"It's funny," she said with a cynical smile as she rose up from her chair. 

She let out a small sighed. "It's funny and depressing at the same times, to know that bitch slept with a man like you. I guess, there's a reason why my parents hate her," Her voice became ice, cold and sharp as a knife.

"She's not—"

Pang! Elizabeth hit my head, with a wine bottle.

My vision blurred as blood began to covered my face.

"Sorry, my hands slipped," She said coldly as she left.

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