She's in a dilemma

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WARNING: This chapter contains profanities, violence, and many other triggering contents.

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"You take care of that blonde, and I will take care of him," said a fierce blue-eyed woman. She probably in her 20s.

"No, Austin will not leave this place until he gets treated!" Jessica yelled, fuelled in rage. She signalled her 5 bodyguards to force Sapphire and the twins to leave.

But, in a blink of seconds, her 5 bodyguards fell after being hit by the twins.

Then, out of nowhere, a sharp knife was in her neck.

"I said, I will bring him home," she said in a cold tone.

That's when Jessica remembers about Sapphire Armento and the infamous assassin twins. 

It's them. So, it should be fine. Jessica said mentally before she let Sapphire and the twins take Ashley away from her. 

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"She's safe. Those bastards didn't get to do anything to her, aside from her bruised. But she needs to take rest now. That must be a traumatic moment in her life." The young doctor said to me.

"It was a slight cut. Perhaps she wounded her hand to stop her body from the numbness. Don't worry. It won't leave any scar if it gets treated further." The doctor said as he examined Clara James.

"Thank you so much, Doctor," I said sincerely.

"No worries, if it weren't for Huttington Foundation, I wouldn't achieve my dreams, So see you around later?" He said before he excuses himself.

I sat down at my couch, catching my breath. This entire day probably the worst day of my life. First, I don't know whether or not Raven safe. Second, Ashley being stabbed and those bastards who did it better hide from me now or I will... Third, I hate myself for being jealous of Clara, and that other woman was taking Ashley away from me. 

A beautiful woman at that.

And, lastly, the expression Clara gave to me while she's holding Ashley.

I hate it.

But I'm glad that nothing happened to both Clara and Ashley. I know Clara is a bitch, but no one deserved that. At the same time, I was relieved to know Ashley helped her despite her hatred towards them. It means, Ashley still has that good side of her.  She was stabbed just because she saved Clara. 

I hope Ashley would be just fine, but I know I should not worry about it since she's in a good hand.  

"Where's Austin? Is he fine?" said Clara with a sore throat.

"He's fine. But, he's not here now since his guardian took him home." I replied half-heartedly.

Clara smiled genuinely. "That's good,"

"You know that all of this happened, because of you, right?" I said annoyedly.

"It's not your business,"

"It's my business when it comes to him,"

"What is your relationship with Austin? I know that Derick and the other rich boys/girls had been wooing you, but you never once look or talk to them. You BARELY. I saw all the news about those damn celebrities been talking about how they want you. But now, why are you involving yourself with someone like Austin? He's nothing, and he came from a family who will likely bankrupt. In fact, his family is not like us, who already rich for ages. His family is a newcomer to our world. I'm sure your family will be against it."

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