Fallen Angel.

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TW: This story contains profanities, violence, and other mature themes. Please read at your own risk.


"Uhm, what are you doing?" I asked Sapphire.

"I try to send a secret message to Raven. She always ignored me, so I don't know if she will read it, but if she was meant for me, then she will read it," Sapphire chuckled.

I nodded as I focus on the road.

"I don't trust anyone, for now. Not even you, Mrs Roswell. Who knows if you have a soft spot for your son, Derick Roswell," She said plainly.

I sighed, not knowing how to answer her.

After a while, we arrived at the place that the red-haired woman provided for us

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After a while, we arrived at the place that the red-haired woman provided for us. It was a small cottage in the woods. But it's good for us.

"Now, it seemed that our deal finally ended," said the red-haired woman.

"Thank you, I will forever be indebted to you," I said genuinely.

She, along with the mountain bandits,, smiled before they left quickly, without being noticed.

Angeline quickly hurried to us.

"My poor baby," Angeline cried as her weak body trying to hold Ashley.

"Mum? It's you,, right? I'm not dreaming?" Ashley asked in a low voice.

"It's me, Ashley. It's me. I'm sorry for leaving you all alone. I'm sorry for not being enough for you," Angeline said as her eyes swollen from crying too much. 

Then, she glared at me.

"Why you bring my daughter here? Knowing how badly she got her? Are you crazy?"

"I've called someone to come here, and they will be here soon... So for now, we have to clean the wounds while waiting for them," Sapphire said to Angeline.

"Let me bring you inside," I said as I offered Ashley, ignoring Angeline,, who still furious with my existence.

Angeline denied me as she pushed me away.

"Stop touching my daughter, and stay away from us," She shouted.

"Come, let me bring you inside," Angeline said gently to Ashley as she was ready to hold her.

Sapphire and the twins stopped her from doing so and carefully place Ashley inside the room.

Sapphire and the twins stopped her from doing so and carefully place Ashley inside the room

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