An Eye for an Eye

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TW: This story contains suicide, profanities, violence, and other mature themes. Please read at your own risk.

a.n: I'm sorry. It's going to be a long chapter, than usual. I think if I split it into two chapters, this story will be much longer. Don't read it if you are under 18, and don't like violence. And, don't hate Ashley (┬┬﹏┬┬) tsk tsk.

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-Meeting the Hughes-

"It's been a while, Hughes," I smiled, plainly

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"It's been a while, Hughes," I smiled, plainly.

"What do you want?" The Hughes twins said, as their face covered with bruised. 

"Do you know that Mrs Hughes also serving her time in prison? Just like both of you? And, your corrupt father?"

They glared at me furiously. "That is expected, right?"

I nodded as I throw the tablet, in front of them. "But, look at this video,"

It's a video of Mrs Hughes, being harassed by the female inmates.

"She was isolated, harassed, and most of all... She seemed to be out of her mind. Maybe, prison didn't suit her at all?" I said as I light my cigarette.

Gordon slammed the table. "Stop beating around the bush, and tell us what you want to say!"

"I'm sure you know how capable I can be, right? So, look behind your back. There's one key that I inserted at the door, that will give you the freedom to leave this place. However, there's only one person who can get it. Think carefully, who should I give it to? Your father? Your mother? Gordon? or Trevor?" I smiled as I spoke.

Without hesitating, both of them shouted their own names.

"I'm the one who should leave!" Gordon grabbed Trevor's collar.

"No! It's me!" Trevor punched him.

Then, the two of them, continuing fighting violently.

"To think that they even dare to kill each other for their own benefit?"  I'm shocked, not surprised.  I already expect their reaction.

Slowly, I turned behind me and talked to someone who's been watching the whole situation, quietly.

"I won the bet. As I said earlier, your sons will choose to save their own asses instead of you or your husband. They even willing to kill each other for their own benefits," 

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