POWERS?? + 「updates」

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November 3, 2020
So I haven't done subliminals in a while but mind powers keep showing up and I love it so much but at the same time it's annoying because I don't know if it's all just coincidence and it's annoying because I don't know how to control it. My dreams have predicted the future of the next day so many times but I can't choose when unless I ask my spirit guides questions and they answer in my dreams. It has worked. ALSO I keep reading minds. Like something will pop in my mind the second before someone says something. And I was playing headbands and I was able to guess tomato by reading my twins' mind. And I even said it the way she said it in her mind (like tomoto) and I also gave her what she was by transferring it to her mind. I imagined a red laser with the information traveling from my third eye to hers but that only seemed to work while we are both looking in each other's eyes and with me looking at her third eye. So with the things I don't have to actually do things for, basically seems like a bunch of minor future telling.
January 7, 2021
Happy new year!! I'm so grateful for all of you for being in my 2020 or the start of 2021 or even 2019 I forgot when I started this. So first I would like to say I hope it's okay that I haven't been updating. I am sorry. I will keep updating but maybe not as often then before. And I haven't quit anything. Just because I'm not updating, doesn't mean I'm not doing anything I said I'd be doing. And I'll pile all the important results together and update at some point for sure. Considering I just went through a hard break up and school started which is a lot for me, and my huge problem with procrastination isn't helping, or my problem with needing motivation and energy to do everything and I have close to no motivation or energy, it's been hard remembering I have this to update. Also my teeth look horrible and I'm struggling to wear my retainer after like 7 months of not wearing it and I have an orthodontist appointment in 2 weeks. You guys aren't here for my problems though lol so I will get with the updates.
The powers I mentioned from November 3 still happen occasionally. And I've been thinking a lot lately about this; I think how me and my family will leave this house is by a fire. In the first few months right after we moved here (I was 6 or 7 years old) I had very vivid dreams every single night of fires starting in this house. I remember them, vividly, to this day and that was like half my life ago (weird way of measurement but it works).
I think I'm on the same wavelength as some people because a lot of times I subconsciously won't look people in the eyes of fear that I will accidentally transfer information to their mind (like the answer to a game or something). But it's not some "if you don't go and touch the door in the next 5 seconds your family will die" thing, like I actually believe it will happen because it's happened plenty of times before. I might be able to tune into peoples energies without realizing? I haven't been doing subliminals for it because I believe I can unlock any powers I have, on my own or with frequencies I listen to at night. I believe everyone has a power/powers but they just have to work hard to unlock them. And I think how you do that is being able to control your energy and focus it on one thing to move an object or something, working on your 3rd eye, raising your vibration and practice.
(ALSO THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 4K VIEWS, I understand it's only like 100 people reading each entry or maybe just 15 but still it makes me so happy to see that number of reads like wHy mE butinagoodway)
~ 「Spirit Moonclaw」~

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2021 ⏰

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