Rock Collecting+Back up plan??

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Rock Collecting
I got lots of rocks for the dragon egg. I haven't chosen one, yet. I will show you guys the choices I found. I found them yesterday and I'll show them in pictures when I get time.

Back Up Plan
Shouldn't us, mythicals, have a back up plan. You know, like an "if a hunter/awtok finds us" plan. Because not all of us are safe. In fact, I don't believe any of us, nonhumans are 100% safe. We could have a certain spot to run away to, according to the area you live in? Whatever the back up plan is, awtok or hunters CANNOT FIND IT OR FIGURE IT OUT. Then we should each have individual back up plans of the back up plan (like a plan c) that we don't tell anyone. Not even wattpad.

Rock Collecting
I just took a walk for the first time in a while and nature felt good as usual like it does on a walk, but I wasn't really paying full attention to nature, I was finding more rocks. Now I have 10 or 11 to choose from. I need the perfect rock. That will create the perfect dragon. It had a lot of hills and I'm totally drained. I didn't think I could handle it but I walked a little farther when I did get to my house so that it could create a full 5k (it was just 3 miles, I needed that .1 to make it 3.1 miles). And my allergies are killing me. They aren't as bad as some people. I don't get symptoms of a cold or any sickness but I do get a headache and my eyes turn red, puffy and get dry and itchy. And for some reason, my thumb is shaking, which is making it really hard to write this. I need to listen to my subliminals more since nothing has changed that I noticed, yet.

Tarot Reading Results
Today, I was in my bed, super stressed from things, not related to mythicals and thinking to myself "I just want to restart. I want to start over. Start fresh. Ugh." And then I realized, the tarot reading said that I would be thinking that and wanting that. The tarot reading wasn't even on my mind when I was thinking those things. It was right! I mean, of course it was right but so soon!

(Do you guys liked how I organized my paragraph??)

✔︎May 21, 2020✔︎

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