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Heyy so first of all, one of the mythical wattpads I'm reading, mentioned an app called Habitica and wow. It helps me so much. I procrastinate way too much, more than you think. I procrastinate the simplest things such as responding to friends because my motivation is a butthead and likes to die on me. Anyway, I really recommend the app. I use it for mythical things like remembering subliminals, writing in this, practicing quadrobics, etc. It helps me a lot.
Second of all, my twin, Bambi (what she wants to be called on wattpad) made a mythical journal. Her username is bambispots and her journal is called "Therian Journal :)" Her theriotype is a cat.
Third of all, I am pretty sure that I am a polytherian. I am 2 animals. A rabbit and a wolf. My main is a wolf. It's weird because wolves usually eats rabbits but I would never, in my life eat a rabbit. Especially since my soul is part rabbit. I always have a huge love for rabbits. It's weird, but that's okay. I'm weird.
I might not even be a rabbit. I might be just a wolf therian and it might be the human part of me that loves rabbits. It's all confusing because my favorite animal has always been rabbits and my second favorite has always been a cat. But I feel like I am a wolf. With wolves, I feel a weird connection but it's not like a 'I am different from them but they are adorable' connection. It's like a 'I am part of them' connection. And I get a weird feeling in my chest, whenever I see a picture of them or anything. Does that make any sense?
And even if I'm not a therian, I'm becoming one, with subliminals. I don't think I'm going to follow the steps I made in one of my past entries. This is because I don't want to do a bunch of things before actually getting to where I start becoming a wolf shifter/therian. I am still going to train and do quadrobics to fight off any hunters. But I don't really believe in awtok as much as I used to. Most of us, nonhumans, are pretty young or in the generation of gen-Z. Meaning, our future will be more mythical than it is now. But I don't think the government cares enough to create a whole secret agency just to watch us and find us. Plus, the name honestly sounds like a game that a child would make. This is life. It's a lifestyle, not a game.
Okay, I think I've rambled enough, goodbye my beautiful mythicals and mythicals to be.
(Oh and I want to mention, I called this an "info ramble" because I'm rambling all this information onto one page. Like, I want you to read it but it's me rambling about what I want you to read, so you get the info, but in a ramble. Is this making any sense? Even though rambling mostly what I do in here, anyway. But I have to remind myself, I'm writing this for me and only me. None of you have to like it and if you don't, you can leave. It shouldn't feel like a 'coming out' if I tell something new. BUT I am very grateful for all of you. And I thank you so much for 2k reads!! Thank you so much! I never thought I would even get 200! Okay I'm done now, love y'all, byee)
🅐🅤🅖🅤🅢🅣 ❸⓿, ❷⓿❷⓿

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