Stupid Time Limit

385 16 11

My mom put a time limit on my phone at 10. But that's when I listen to the subs. She doesn't know I do, though. And wouldn't believe it or support it. But I was able to (by telling her I listen to music to get to sleep on YouTube) to stretch it to 11. So that's good. But I don't have all night to listen to subs then. I haven't seen any affects yet from the powers, other than waking up with my ear hurting and my throat a little soar but it all got better. Though yesterday, I heard a little girl with her window open while in the car say "Papa! Papa!" And was pointing out the window and then repeated "Papa!" No one else heard it but me. They were in the lane over next to ours and we were at a stop light thing. No window in our car  was open. Soooo yeah. That's the first thing I have noticed so far. I am currently going to the doctor cuz my twin needs a check on his depression meds. I already got the check. I remember I wanted to add something to the steps, but I forgot so dang. I'm still working on the first step. I am not moving onto step 2 until I see at least a little result that I am satisfied with for the power sub. Also I've been thinking about doctors and haircuts and stuff and how I'm going to get away with those. I'm pretty sure I can hide the ears and tail from the doctor and the claws and fangs most likely. The dentist, they are probably going to want to trim down the fangs like what they do when I shipped my two front teeth really badly because my brother through the iPad at me. For haircuts, I guess I'm going to have to do them myself. Not noticeably, though. My mom might notice. I'll do little tiny trims over time. I hope this works.
I want to know something. Do you guys like longer entries in here or shorter ones?
Alright, today is February 11, 2020. See you text time, byeeeee.

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