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There was a fucking drone that flew into my yard a couple times. Gladly I was not there. What if they were looking for me, though???? I was in my room listening to subliminals and writing a story for school. It was just a coincidence that it came a couple times, right?? I'm hoping!! I wasn't there, as I said, my mom and younger sister was there. They don't know about me doing this at all. They said it's probably some kid playing with their drone. They were outside helping my sister with her math when it happened. God, this is scary to be honest.

I thought this was too short so I waited till another update to add to this entry. So basically I am in the car and suddenly I heard a beep kind of? It's hard to explain. In my right ear, which was closest to my door so I guessed the door wasn't all the way closed or something. When it felt like my ear was blocking off all other noise. Like it was closing up? So basically my ear was ringing. Which happens all the time. But this time it was different. Weird. It only lasted a couple seconds. I hoped it was a sign that the subs were working.

It's now May 9, 2020. The next day. I found another subliminal and I'm doing a witch subliminal. I need to stop adding more!! But anyway I practiced without a psi wheel because I'm sleeping at my grandparents house. Last night I was so close to having an anxiety attack at 2am. I just didn't feel safe at all. Everyone in the house was asleep and I couldn't distract myself with any apps except messages because of the time limit. I was way too afraid about awtok, and a story I heard and I don't even know, my mind would NOT shut up with all the possibilities. I even considered stopping subliminals so that I'm safe. But feeling unsafe is a symptom when you go off meds. And I haven't taken my meds in so long even though I'm supposed to. Anyway, after practicing telekinesis my hands felt so weird. Like in the middle of hurting and tingling whenever I touch anything?

✰𝑴𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝑱𝗼𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐥✰Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora