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Heyo, I'm so sorry for leaving. I am back now! I had stopped subs for a while because school. But now we have no school for the rest of the year (that isn't online) so what better to do than start the subs again. I'm trying a couple different things during quarantine. I'm going to try to glow up while also doing the plan. I've been trying manifestation with it. I manifested a girlfriend (yes I broke up with the last one because it was turning toxic as heck) by doing soulmate manifestations meaning my girlfriend now is my soulmate. I sound like a huge player. And I'm getting off topic. ANYWAY, now I can listen to my subs while doing online school! I have 5 subs. Here's what they are for:
1. Telekinesis
2. Elemental
3. Unique blue eyes
4. Eye combo
5. Read minds
The eye subs are for the glow up. I have blue eyes but they do not look that blue, so that's the first step to the glow up.
Anyway, those are the things in my playlist. I'm not seeing any changes at the moment. My plan is once I'm satisfied with the one for reading minds, I'll work on mind control. This will be great for hunters. I'm super scared for hunters. Because I read a wattpad where a girl was updating pretty frequently, then went into surgery and never updated again. People (or non-people) were saying she got taken by awtok. And for some reason, that just made me realize hunters and awtok is not just a game. This is REAL LIFE. We HAVE to run, hide and fight. Just for us to live a life.
Anyway, I was thinking about not doing the neko plan because my friend figured out about subs and is using them for a glow up too, but when she was telling me, I was like yeah and there's even some that can turn you into half animal, like your bones grow real new limbs just by listening to a video over and over. And she said she doesn't know why anyone would want to look like a furry. And no, this is not at all like a furry, but that made me realize, I have to be doing this for myself. Not for anyone else. Which, you're probably reading this like wEll DUH, hUnTeRs aNd sHiZ fInNa kIlL yOu. But for some reason that felt like a let down, I don't know, I probably shouldn't be trusted lol. But I don't know, I'm thinking everything through. Okie well it's May 5, 2020.

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