The Beginning of it all

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"Jess,  Wake up, Steve's on his way to pick you guys up"...

"What? Who's Steve Mom?"

"Oh he's my boyfriend, the guy I met at the bar, he's really nice". She said in a hurry putting on her lip stick and heels.

I swear she had a new man every other month, ive never seen a guy stick around for more than two months. She never had luck with men besides Jeffrey. They dated for about 2 years before he was diagnosed with lung cancer and he had a brain tumor.

One day I came home and walked in to find him seizing on the floor, foaming out the mouth. If I hadn't forgotten my lip gloss on my dresser and returned for it, he would've died right in our living room. He pushed through and fought for 8 months, however cancer won the battle. He wasnt my birth father but he was loving and caring towards my siblings and I. He even left our mom and us with this house. Its nothing fancy but he kept a roof over our head and provided for us even in death.

"Jess, get up ! Steve will be here in 2 minutes!"

"Fineeee mommmm", I grunted, rolling over, Rubbing the buggers from my eyes, I ran my hands through my hair, sitting up staring between the curtain where the sunlight came in and it stung my eye.

I'm Jessica Noella Jones, but everyone calls me Jess

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I'm Jessica Noella Jones, but everyone calls me Jess. My moms an African American Nurse at 'Jackson Park Hospital & Medical Center' and my fathers some rich guy who works for the government. At least thats what my mother told me.

I never met the guy but every few months he sends money to an account set up in my name. My mom uses alot of it to buy groceries and pay bills so I hardly get any of it.

She leaves me at home a lot to watch my two younger siblings. Jamison and Maddison, their twins and bad as shit. Along with my sister Chloe's kid as well. Shes only 2 years older  than I am, she dropped out of school when she got pregnant at 16 with Liam, my four year old nephew, then she recently got pregnant again, but she says she 'lost it', but Im not dumb, sis aborted that baby.

I got up to take a shower but Jamison was taking forever in the bathroom, so I punched hard on the door making a ruckus until he opened it. The door flung open and he ran pass me. Closing the door behind me I realized that he had left his tablet in there.

"Jamison you left your... oh my God", I face palmed myself. This fast ass boy was watching Porn and left the browser open. What an idiot. I laughed it off and got in the shower, lathering up with my lavender body wash and washing my hair.

Getting out I brushed my teeth, goggled some mouth wash and went to my room to lotion up and spray perfume on.


Looking at the message it was my best-friend Chelsea. She sent me a happy birthday message.

"Shit!", I whispered under my breath, how can I forget my birthday of all things ?. Oh yeah I know how, always working and staying up late babysitting and trying to find time to do homework. As well as filling out college applications and studying late until the wee hours of the morning so I can maintain my 3 point GPA and make the honor roll. Plus Im on the basketball team, im the captain, if my grades and being an athlete couldn't get me into college then I dont know what will.

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