The Arraignment

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                              Three Weeks Later
Jamison's POV

"Good morning, my name is Jamison and I am a suicide survivor"

"Welcome Jamison" everyone in the room said in unison as if it was rehearsed.

Three weeks ago I attempted to kill myself. However, I failed. The curtain rod in my room popped and I fell. I started cutting my wrist and Maddison ratted me out. She always was snitching on me, but she wouldn't like it if I told Mom about her little boyfriend. Ive caught her lifting her shirt, showing those mosquito bites on her chest on video calls.

Chloe made me confess everything to our mom and she lost it. She attacked Rick that night but Chloe had called the police earlier once I told her what he was doing to me, so they stopped my mom once they arrived.

I was taken away and ordered to stay here at the "Chicago Juvenile Recovery Institution".

"Jamison ?"

"Yes, yes mam" the lady called my name breaking me out of my thoughts

"You seem distracted. Do you want to open up to the group ?"

"Not really.." I pulled my sweater down over my wrist.

"There is no pressure, you can speak whenever you're ready" she assured me and I nodded. The guy, Chris who was on the side of me stood up and said his name aloud. He's my roommate, he's fourteen and really cool.

"Good morning, my name is Chris"

"Welcome Chris" they said again like a choir.

"Umm, this is my first day to one of these sessions. I normally stay inside my room or go to the art centre and sketch some art. But... I am a suicide survivor. My uncle. He hurt me, he hurt me bad. I was told by my pastor in my church to forgive him. I didn't want to but he said that it was the Godly thing to do. But not too long after that, he started doing the same thing my uncle did to me, along with a few other boys in the church. I don't believe in God anymore because if there was one, he wouldn't have allowed that to happen to me. I attempted to drown myself by jumping overboard on the Chicago State Bridge. I was in a coma for three days before I was conscious again. Ive been living here in the recovery house for a week now and they encouraged me to attend the open therapy classes. The kids here are nice to me, Ive made a friend, Jamison my roommate" he gave me a fist bump.

The session went on with more new members introducing themselves. For once I didn't feel alone, I didn't feel helpless or weak. I had people who went through the same trauma or worst. People who can really and truly understand me.

I Jamison Brown am a Survivor of rape.


"Chelsea, that woman is so annoying, she gave us three quizzes and a paper thats due tonight"

"The good part about being in the hospital is no school work" she said.

My girl was awake, breathing on her own and walking again. Her heart wasn't as strong anymore, she had a pace maker which meant no strenuous physical activity going forward.

"What time is it ?"

"Almost nine o'clock"

"Okay I'm going to head to out, Masons hearing is at ten"

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