Unbreakable Bonds

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-Dear Diary-

I went to the woods today.
D has a cabin out there, we
had lunch out on the Bayou by
the lake. It was so romantic.
Today was also my first time.
No, not having sex but we did
other stuff and he surprisingly
liked it. We went skinny dipping
together, the fresh creek made
our naked bodies visible in the
water to each other. He attempted
to attempted to go further with me
but I wasn't ready. He Promised
to be patient with me. He's not like
these regular teenage boys. He really
cares about me. I love him so much.
Dads been asking why my phone bill
has been so high lately, I may need
to get another one if I dont want
to get caught.

Come on Sarah, you really fell for this piece of shit ? I groaned in annoyance in Ms Bakers office. It was around 8:45am, I was missing gym at first period but I didn't care, I already had an A+ in that class.

Ms Bakers been keeping quiet about what I told her about Mason when he called me and it sounded like someone had attacked him. All she said was she had it covered and that he wasn't hurt. However I wasn't into hearing that, I wanted to hear it from it his own mouth that he was okay.

There was a slight knock on the door, we both looked up as she told the person to come in.

"The files you requested, they came in" it was her secretary Reina, she handed her some folders and left.

"Whats that ?" I asked being nosey.

As she opened it her smile widened.

"This is it ! The report !" I watched her eyes grew gigantic as if they were about to pop out of her face.

"What report ?" I sat up wanting to know exactly what she was talking about.

"The accident that killed Sarah and those children. Yesterday when you called, I made a few calls. I had to see what the report said because if Devon had anything to do with that accident, his ass is done"

"What does it say ?"

She pulled out the report and began to read it aloud.

February, 16th 2016
The Chicago State
Police Department
The United States of

General Report

✔️DUI                             Witness
✔️ Traffic Accident       Survivors

Officers on scene: #79203, #72930 #64740

First Responders Report:

The vehicle, a four door red Nissan Sylphy was found split in half on Wellsprings Road. The direction in which the car was positioned indicated that the driver lost control of the vehicle and crashed into a lamp pole, resulting in the car being engulfed into flames. Chicago State Officers number  #79203, #72930 #64740 were first on the scene. Skit marks were found about a mile ahead before the crash site indicating that the driver possibly tried slowing down. There were alcoholic beverages found within the vehicle. No seatbelts were worn, three bodies were found within the vehicle. Another body was ejected out of the right side of the vehicle. All victims were underaged. There were no survivors.

Somebody To Die For (Book 1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora