Gathering Evidence

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Ms Baker texted me her address later on and I caught the bus to her location. I had to walk a few blocks but it was cool outside.

"Okay we need to create a solid case because they have the key evidence. His gun, the exact one used in the shooting. Is there anyone else who can backup you and Chelsea's story Jess ?"

I thought about Tariq and Taya. I haven't brought up Tariq's name since.

"Earth to Jess. Whatever you know you need to tell me. They are trying to give him life without parole"

Life without parole. Those words always sends shock waves to my brain leaving me speechless and zoned out.

She snapped her fingers in my face and I flinched.

"Tariq !"

"What ?"

"Tariq, he's the one that shot Charles, or Don, or whatever his name is"

"Okay Tariq" she wrote his name down on her note pad.

"He shot the guy and brought Anna out, he held her in his arms"

"Jess why are you just telling me this now"

"Because I was told not to bring up his name"

"By who ?"

"His cousin, my friend Taya"

"Was she there ?"

"Yes, she was"

"So she can backup your alibi as well ?"

"Yeah she can"

"Okay great, so far we have two bonus witnesses but one of them is also a shooter"

"Exactly, thats why his name wasnt suppose to get called"

"They wont charge him for murder, he didn't kill the man"

"But the guy still died the night we were rushed off of the floor and police were swarming the place"

"Thats because there was foul play, I'm in the process of getting his records to find out the cause of death. Whoever killed him wanted to keep his mouth shut"

"So Tariq wont go to jail ?"

"They're going to charge him for not turning himself in, but it was self defense, he defended you and your friends. Had he not done that, that guy would've probably killed all of you"

She was right, Tariq saved us that night.

"So what next ?"

"I have to speak with the both of them. I can represent Tariq if he doesn't have a lawyer"

"For free ?" I asked and she chuckled

"Jess, now that this is going to court, the media is going to eat this up. This case is going to be the highlight of my career. The amount of clients and money I will gain future wise from this is beyond me, so yes, I would represent him for free and we will win"

She gave me hope. Hope that Mason will come home and that Tariq wont go to jail for murder. Hope that justice will be served and Coach Devon will get whats coming to him.

We stayed up late going over what happened that night, matching up time lines and stories. Creating our own theories of what might have happened, but we still couldn't figure out why.

"Its getting late, I can drop you home"

"Thank you"

She gathered her things and we left her office. The drive home took about half an hour. I was so tired I went to bed in my clothes, I didn't even bother to take a shower or remove my shoes. Once my face hit those sheets I was knocked out.

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