Mistaken Identity

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                                   2 hours before

I sat in my car outside my moms house, gathering up the courage to go inside. My boss, well Mason, he was ringing my line. I picked up on the third ring, he never called me so I guess it was important.

"Hello ?"

"Hey Chloe, how are you?"

"Im good Mr. King, just a little tired, the restaurant was busy tonight"

"No need to be so formal, call me Mason" he said

"Okay Mason..."

"I hope this doesn't sound weird, I was trying to reach your sister just now but got no response, is she near by ?"

"Oh no, shes out with a few friends, her phone probably died"

"Oh okay, well thank-you and have a good night"

"Goodnight Mason"

I had one of my guys from the Cell Towers Track Jess's phone. It had died about five minutes before I called her. I wasn't stalking her or anything, I just needed to know where she was and that she was okay, but from a distance.

Devon came over out of the blue, said he wanted to see lil man. I was tired and really wasn't in the mood to talk or be bothered, but he is Jr's God father so I didn't mind.

"Hey bro. Whats good ?"

"I thought you said you came over to see Jr"

"I did.."

"So why do you have a bottle of jack and cigars?"

He laughed dismissing my comment and walked right in. Exhaling deeply, I kept quiet, following him to the kitchen.

"Shots ?" He went in the cupboard grabbing two glasses

"Dev, I have court tomorrow"

"For what ?"

"My divorce"

"Oh shittt. You definitely need a drink"

"I cant be hung over"

"Im not here to get you drunk"

"So what are you here for ?"

"To loosen you up"

There was a slight knock on the glass door, looking outside, it was Vanessa. I unlocked the back slide door to let her in.

"You guy's are having a party without me ?"

"Come on, join us" he invited her in without my approval.

"You feel any better ?" I asked, hoping she would say yeah so I could finally let her leave.

"No, not really, my back still has a kink and my neck is a bit stiff. Mind giving me a massage later ?"

"I'll ask Ms. Babu"

"But I asked yo.."

"So.. I got a call from my clubs manager" I cut her off knowing exactly what she was about to say. "She said some of my money has been showing up short. Something about written cheques that I signed off on but I know I didn't sign off on shit"

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