I made it

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"Introducing our top ten finalist Give it up for Brandon McNeil, Maya Peterson, Taya Mitchel, Damion Webber, Amanda Lopez, Zoe Wilson, Shawn St. Patrick, Michael McGregor, Hailey Grant and Jessica Jones"

As We ran out, the bright lights were beaming, blinding me a bit. The arena was empty yet I still felt the eyes of a thousand people on me looking through the camera.

'Just keep smiling' I kept repeating to myself, people are watching me.

"Okay the 'Pick Me' app is closing in 10...9...8...7...6...5..4..3...2..1"  Mr Tyson announced and my stomach fell flat.

"The final scores are tallying up" Coach Devon smiled looking at the score board from his tablet. "Okay in fifth place with a score of 698, we have Shawn St Patrick".

Shawn took a step forward and they shined the spotlight on him.

"In fourth place with a score of 715, we have Amanda Lopez" taking a step forward next to Shawn she waved to the camera.

"In third place Taya Mitchel, scoring 780 points" Taya took a step forward milly rocking and I couldn't help but smile at her.

"In second place scoring 829 points, Brandon McNeil"

My heart sank. Did I really stay at sixth place ? I thought going live would've worked. The hot tears began to well in the corner of my eyes. I could feel a ball of spit in throat making it hard to swallow. Balling my fist tightly, holding back my tears. Ive worked so hard for this, for this moment, for this opportunity, and for what ? Nothing !

Taya looked back at me and I could see the nervousness on her face.

"And lastly, in first place Scoring the highest score ever of 12,539 votes ! We have The one and Only Jessica Jones !"

Im so delusional. I actually thought I heard him call my name. I clapped for the actual first place winner so the camera wouldn't pick up on me sulking.

"Um Jess.." Zoe tapped my shoulder.

"Yeah ?"

"Why you still standing here ?"

"I didnt win"

"He just called your name"

"Wait what ??"

Taya held out of her hand and I ran beside her.

"Am I dreaming ? I could've sworn I heard him say my name but it wasn't real" I said and she pinched me. "Ouch ! Watchu do that for ?"

"Did you feel that ?"

"Hell yeah, that hurt"

"Then its real ! We won ! We're going to the finals"

"There you have it folks ! Our Top five finalist who will compete tomorrow night right here at the Chicago Bulls Arena ! See you @7pm sharp ! Thank-you and Goodnight"

"We did it ! I cant believe it"

"I wanna know how you got all those votes. Did you rig this shit ?" Brandon appeared being disgruntle.

"What is your problem dude ?"

"Tomorrow Im gonna get you your shit and thats it. Keep my name out of your mouth and stay the fuck away from me" he said before walking away.

"Whats his problem ?"

"I wish I knew. He bumped me yesterday and been acting like a bitch ever since"

"You need me to kick his ass ?"

"Nahh Im good. Im just gonna beat his ass super hard tomorrow night on live TV".

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