Are You Ready?

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"How do I look ??"

"You look fine"

"Fine ? Thats it ? I need to look awesome, amazing, astonishing..."

"Jess ! Stop rambling. You're going to be fine okay. Ever since Mason gave you that shoutout, your instagram followers have increased tremendously"

"Exactly ! Plus tonight the game is going to be streamed live ! In front of thousands of people !" I started panicking. Your girl wasn't use to big ass crowds.

She yanked me by my arm pushing me on the bed.

"Are you a pussy ?"


"I didnt hear you. I asked are you a pussy ?"

"NO !"

"Good. Then stop acting like one. This is your once in a lifetime opportunity, don't blow it before it even happens"

"I cant believe im actually going to meet famous allstar players tonight"

"Speaking of famous people, wheres my ticket ?"

"In your underwear draw. You was too drunk last night and I knew you would've misplaced it"

"It was my last night at the club. I had to celebrate"

"Yeah yeah whatever"

"Why you so cranky ?"

"He's gonna be there"

"Who Cory ?"


"Isnt he announcing the winners or something like that ?"

"Yeah and he didnt even tell me"

"And you think he shouldve ?"

"Yeah. I mean no. I mean, i dont know"

"See. This why you should've kept them legs closed. Now you have all kind of sex spirits flying around inside of you"

"Shutup.. I don't have no sex spirits"

"Mhhm. Whatever. Just be ready by six so we can arrive on time. They already think black folks be late to everything"

"I mean we Kinda do be though"

"Well at least we look good when we're late. Plus Parking gone be hard as hell to find"


She left and I threw on my Red Chi-High sweat jacket and shorts. Gluing on some lashes and lip gloss as well for the interview or pictures before the game.

I sat in front of my mirror, semi-smiling at my reflection. I resembled my mother but part of me wondered who my father was. How he really looked. Did I have his eyes ? His smile ? Would he have been proud of me ? Did he ever wish to meet me ? Is he still alive ? So many questions with little to no answers.

Touching up my foundation with one last look in the mirror. 'You can do it Jess' I repeated.



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