I'm okay

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"Good morning, how you feeling?" I felt the left side of my bed sink in as Chloe lye down next to me, brushing my hair back with the palm of her hand.

It was now after seven in the morning and I hadn't moved out of bed for the past eight hours.

"I lost my scholarship" I told her, wiping away the tears that drained onto my pillow.

"Where ? To North Carolina or UCLA?"

"Ha ! those people ain't even called or email me yet and graduations around the corner"

"So who took their scholarship back?"

"Duke" I looked up at her.

"Why The hell didn't you tell me this Jessica?"

"Because I was embarrassed" I pulled the covers over my head but she pulled it back down.

"Did they say why?"

"Apparently they don't want to be known for encouraging scandals"

"Didnt they just have a scandal last year with the Dean sexually harassing some freshmen girls ?"

"Exactly, Mason is a UCLA Alumni, so having me, someone involved with a former NBA player, someone whose a Hall of Famer, a business man, a God damn high school coach. Thats no better than what the dean did. They dont care that Im an adult, its the principle and it looks messy" I shook my head.

"Oh, I mean when you put it that way, I can see why they wouldn't want that type of scrutiny going on. But North Carolina scouted you from your Junior year, Im sure you'll hear from them sometime sooner or later"

"Are you just saying that because you're my sister ? Or because you really believe they will accept me ?"

"Both" she said pulling me in for a hug. "But in other news, your dress arrived last night. Fedex should have it here by tonight or tomorrow morning"

"Did I tell you Cory and I are going to prom ?"

"Like... together ?"

"Mhmm, but not like together together. Just together" I sat up.

"Huh ?"

"Yeah, and Dayna's gonna tag along"

She hissed her teeth and stood up. "Girl Are you serious ?"

"I never loved Cory and Ive accepted that. I only was upset because I felt embarrassed that everyone knew we were together and he kissed Dayna on national television. Was My ego hurt ? Yes, but am I going to hold that over their heads for the rest of their lives ? No"

"Well Look at you, being grown or whatever" she smiled.

"Have you heard anything yet, about Rick ?" I asked. There had been a warrant out for his arrest but he ran.

"He's still on the run, its like he vanished into thin air. His house wasn't broken into, his clothes and belongings are still there" she shrugged.

When the cops arrived on the scene, Chloe was trying to contain our mom. The cops heard the commotion and busted the door down, thats when Rick fled through the back door. Nobodies seen or heard from him since.

"Maddi misses Jamison. She sleeps in his room" I hadn't physically seen my siblings in a while and now that I'm speaking on them, I'm realizing how much it's affecting me.

"Yeah, mom told me. But he's doing so much better in there. He's finally finding his voice"

"And they still do like school work in there so he wont fall behind, he wont have to repeat any classes. He even tutors some of the kids in there"

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