Preparing For War

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"He asked for my name, I told him I was Jess, everything was going completely fine until he... you know, went bat shit crazy"

"So the original bullet was intended for you" Ms Baker said looking at me and I nodded.
"There has to be a reason, there has to be a motive, if we cant prove a motive, we dont have a case, we dont have a case, Mason will stay in prison until he's moved to Rikers Island"

"Rikers what ??"

"CPS did a home visit with Mason Jr while he was with his grand parents. There were no hospital visits that ever indicated any child abuse was going on in the household. He's the average height and weight for a three year old, he has all of his shots and does very well in kindergarten. So whatever case they were trying to build to get him to lose custody of his son is done. He won. Now we need to win the big fish, and unless we win that, all of this was useless" she pointed at the scattered papers on her desk.

We were sanctioned over here this morning to her office. Apparently the prosecution team is demanding the trial date be moved up.

"Why are they rushing this thing to court ?" I asked

"Because they a bunch of racist white niggas" Tariq said slouching in his seat with his arms folded.

"You know a white person cant be a nigga right ?" I chuckled.

"They're rushing because the longer they wait, the more evidence we can find and use against them. This system isnt built for the defendant's to win, especially a black one at that"

"So what now ?" I asked



"Why do we do the things we do ? Because of motive. Something happens that sparks a reaction out of us, we're human and it happens. The only question is why ? What motive does Devon have against his own bestfriend to frame him for a murder he never committed? Why set him up?"

"Don't forget to mention he's a thief"

"He stole from him too ?"

"Yeah, apparently the funds he used to sponsor Taya and I were Masons money from his club"

"Holdup, I was sponsored off of Stolen money ?" Taya stood up with her mouth open. I bit my lip as I nodded 'yeah'. This was so embarrassing.

"Okay thats good, we can use that"

"And he slept with..." I began to speak but stopped. I wasn't sure if I should even tell her this because Mason was in on it too.

"Who slept with who ?" She asked and I hesitated. "Jess if you know something tell me, I need every bit of evidence I can get".

"Coach Devon and Hannah had an affair" I blurted out.

"And You're just telling me this NOW ?"

"Because Mason knew, he was apart of exposing her"

"Who cares ? Who can prove that he knew?" She asked and She was right.

Who could prove that he knew anything about their affair ?

Mason is a smart man, I'm sure text messages between he and Devon were discreet because they always spoke in person. Thats how I caught them that day during practice and overheard their conversation .

"Okay so are we going to try and sell that story ?" I asked

"Im not sure but we're gonna sell something. However, It makes sense now, he took her off of his legal contracts and accounts months ago but he never stated why. I dont know how she still had access to his accounts"

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