Breaking Dawn

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Defecation is the discharge of faeces from the body.

Urine is a watery, typically yellowish fluid stored in the bladder and discharged through the urethra.

None of these things are to be digested by the human body. Yet Devon came into the room an hour later after almost stabbing my eye out of my head, with Bread and fecies. He called it the 'ShitWhich' because it was human shit and bread, his version of a sand-which.

He gave me a cold clear glass cup with ice cubes and a yellow liquid. I thought it was apple juice and after being deprived of liquid for hours, I didn't think to smell the beverage.

As i goggled it down, I realized this wasn't apple juice, he had pissed inside a of cup and added ice cubes, giving the illusion of cold apple juice.

I placed my fingers down my throat, gagging and bringing up any and everything. He sat back and laughed at me, he enjoyed torturing me, this was satisfying to him.

I wanted to die. I basically felt half dead. I was filthy, I hadn't showered in hours, my breath reeked of vomit and I could feel the small tiny cramps in my abdomen indicating my menstrual cycle was about to begin. I sat in my urine, he didn't allow me to pee so I had no other choice but to wet my dress.

I never knew we had such evil persons in this world. There was a special place in hell for people like Devon, and boy was he going to burn.

Masons POV


The loud screams, confetti and ambush of hugs from my family shocked me. My uncles and aunts were in town for my final hearing. They all wanted to be there for me incase I didnt get out of this, they would be there to say goodbye.

I was surrounded by family members I hadn't seen in years. I scanned the room, looking high and low, spinning around in circles until I felt a tiny punch on my leg.

Looking down, my eyes began to water. As a grown man. Ive never cried or shown emotions in front of anyone, not even Jess. But to see my baby boy for the first time after being separated from him for months broke my heart.

I felt like I had let him down by being away for so long. My son is my world and I'll be dammed to ever let someone separate me from him ever again !

"Mason watchu you want on this plate ?" My ghetto ass cousin Kiki asked as she dished up my plate.

"Everything !" I hated jail food. For breakfast we always ate Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches or eggs and hotdogs. For lunch they had burnt chicken and fries with ketchup literally every damn day ! Don't get me started on dinner. Lumpy ass mashed potatoes, cold unseasoned ribs, bitter ass corn and soggy salad with unsweetened Koolaid.

Thankfully my reputation served me well. Guards would order pizza and make sure my cellmates and I were good. A box of pizza and wings cost me $100. Of course that wasn't the actual price, but they knew I had it like that, so they made sure my pockets were hurting in there.

My mom said my dad was sleeping, recovering from the flu and I was not to bother him right now.

"So where this lil girlfriend of yours at?" Kiki asked, waltzing her bowlegged self over to me with my food.

"I don't have a girlfriend"

"Let me guess, she didn't think you would get out so she left right ? Mmm typical"

"She didn't leave"

"So where is she ? Cause she isnt here"

I honestly didn't have an answer, I Didnt know where Jess was either and that alone made me lose my appetite.

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